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Jasmine Duan

Grab Every Opportunity That Comes Along the Way, and Enjoy Every Moment of Your Journey

"Life is full of detours, but at the end of the day, you will find your own path." Jasmine Duan, a graduate of BBA Finance in 2012, has now become a Senior Investment Strategist and spokesperson at Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Wealth Management, who often received interviews by Bloomberg, Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC) and other media to discuss topics such as macroeconomic policies and financial market dynamics. . As she reminisces about her time at Lingnan, she encourages Lingnan students to be self-confident, seize every opportunity proactively, explore their path and enjoy the process.

From Zhongshan to Hong Kong, from Humanities to Finance
Raised in Zhongshan, Jasmine first learned about Lingnan University from the recommendation given by her father’s colleague. After taking the Nationwide Unified Examination for Admissions to General Universities and Colleges, she paid a visit to different universities in Hong Kong with her family. Instantly captivated by the picturesque campus of Lingnan University, she made the decision to study there. Adapting to life in Hong Kong took Jasmine half a year, as she acclimated to the new environment and the use of English as the teaching language. Accepting her family's advice, she selected finance as her major, a challenge given her humanities background. Despite an initial lack of interest in business and needing to exert extra effort to understand the lessons, she found the learning process intriguing. Jasmine is grateful that Lingnan University offers a wide range of elective courses, such as Kunqu Opera . These courses allowed her to maintain a balanced learning experience amidst her finance-focused studies.  

Smooth Integration into the Community Thanks to a Blissful Campus Life 
Looking back on her four years in Lingnan University, Jasmine will never forget the warm and pleasant hostel life. In her first year, she had a roommate who was a local student and a member of the Dancing Society. Since her roommate usually practiced dancing until late hours, their daily routines were entirely different. Still, her roommate showed great care and therefore they built a strong relationship. Jasmine also had wonderful relationships with all her “floormates”. She admires the hostel pair-up arrangement, and Lingnan has a culture which the relationships between teachers and students are very close she felt the caring as a non-local student. She expressed deep gratitude to her mentor Prof. Winnie POON Pui Han, her teachers Prof. Sonia WONG Man Lai, and Dr. Karen ZHANG Yuanyuan, who provided practical advice and assistance not only on her academic and career development but also on her personal life.

Expressing the Greatest Gratitude to Alma Mater by Offering the Best to the Young Generations
Jasmine participated in the Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program during her studies. Her exceptional performance led to her recognition as one of the best performers upon completing the program. It was during this time and some occasions in the University that she had the opportunity to meet Mr. Bernard Charnwut CHAN, GBM, GBS, JP, who served as both the Chairperson of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Chairman of the Council of Lingnan University. Following her graduation, Mr. Bernard Chan referred her to work in the investment department of his company, Asia Financial Holdings. Apart from working on equity investment and portfolio management, she also conducted feasibility research by site visiting many hospitals, schools and health centres.

Later, she transitioned to a brokerage firm called UOB KayHian, where she held the position of an equity research analyst. After gaining valuable experience, Jasmine decided to join RBC Wealth Management in 2018 to pursue new challenges. In her role, she covered Hong Kong and China equities and she was promoted to the spokesperson of the bank two years ago, responsible for conducting various media interviews and participating in public events. In addition to giving interviews and public speeches to televisions, newspapers and other media, she regularly writes for the group's global publications. “This position usually requires people with 10 to 20 years of experience, so I am really appreciative of my company and the opportunities I was given.”

Jasmine remained dedicated to giving back to Lingnan University after graduation. She participated in the Lingnanian Executive Mentoring Programme (LEMP) as a mentor for many years, consistently providing a myriad of resources and opportunities to students. These included internships, job vacancies, and networking possibilities. She expressed her gratitude for the assistance she received throughout her career journey. In her words, "Often, the abilities of young people are underestimated. What they truly need is an opportunity… Many students at Lingnan University are exceptional. Now that I am in a position to provide them with such opportunities, I am eager to lend them a hand!"

Lead a Proactive Life, Walk Your Own Path
Jasmine underscored the significance of actively pursuing opportunities, in spite of the readiness of many within the finance sector to offer them to the younger generation. "As I often tell my mentees, overthinking isn't beneficial! Don't restrict yourself with self-imposed limitations! Let others determine your capabilities!" She explained, “It takes time to master the mindset. When you have worked long enough, you’ll realize the people you used to think very extraordinary are not so unachievable. If they can succeed, so can you!"

Jasmine's university days were enriched with involvement in student organizations and extracurricular activities. These included participation in the Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales (AIESEC), the Lingnan University Lion Dance and Martial Art Team, Mandarin Recitation Competitions, and emcee experiences. Looking back over the past decade, she learned that everyone has a unique approach to overcoming challenges and discovering one's own rhythm is paramount. "Some individuals grow tougher with mounting challenges, while others require time to adjust to new circumstances. Everyone opts for the path that best fits them. Success manifests differently for everyone, regardless of industry. University life isn't merely about securing a good job, it's also about the journey of life," she shared.

Uphold the Spirits of Liberal Arts, and Perceive the World from Diverse Angles
In terms of her future aspirations, Jasmine intends to broaden her expertise and competencies in numerous asset classes, including commodities and fixed income. Her goal is to offer thoughtful analysis and perspectives to the public. She explained, "Finance is a fusion of Science and Art. The Science aspect involves constructing models and setting prices based on collected data. The Art aspect is how different individuals interpret the data and results." Jasmine highlighted that several successful investors have backgrounds in history or humanities rather than finance. This is because finance necessitates not just an understanding of financial theories and principles, but also a comprehension of society and global dynamics. She motivated young Lingnanians by saying, "This aligns perfectly with Lingnan’s Liberal Arts Education philosophy, which advocates for a comprehensive understanding of society and the world, rather than focusing exclusively on one's profession."