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Jeffrey Chan

Ignite the power of creativity! The new generation of advertisers "Powered by Love"
Jeffrey, who has been fascinated by history since secondary school, finds history as interesting as listening to stories. Encompassing a variety of aspects such as society, livelihood, economy, and personalities, he finds history incredibly enriching. He fondly aspires to delve deeper into historical studies after Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE). Therefore, he decided to pursue a degree in history at Lingnan University, driven by his passion.
Build Your Future on Your Interests
Looking back on his university years, he was one of the executive committee members of the History Society and resided on the university campus , experiences he remembers fondly. "Those were the days of carefree exploration and growing independence, where I was in charge of my own schedule, choosing courses, attending lectures, and even making time for basketball games at the Jackie Chan Gymnasium," he reflects. He particularly mentions his hall life and appreciates the university's policy of requiring students to live on campus for at least one year. "It was my first time moving out from my family home, living independently. I had to handle every little thing on my own and learn to get along with roommates. This made me realize how joyful and crazy living in a hall could be."
Despite his love for history, he did not choose the path of majoring in history. Instead, an internship at an advertising company during his university years piqued his interest in the field. After graduating, he quickly engaged in work related to texts and later transitioned into a design company. Although the work atmosphere was relaxed, the hours were long and quite high-pressured. However, whenever he had the opportunity to see the final advertising products, he was happy. With a smile, he likens advertisers to 'big kids,' driven not by salary or benefits, but by a love for their work. Without this passion, he believes, excelling and sustaining in this job would be impossible. He humorously notes that advertisers often self-identify as being "Powered By Love." It is this love that has fueled his decade-long journey in the industry.
Key Elements of Success: Autonomy, Proactiveness, and Passion
When it comes to the busy work, Jeffrey always finds joy in it, especially in experiencing the team spirit. "Each team member has their own role, working tirelessly day and night, all for the sake of creating an advertisement. Everyone is willing to spend more time to ensure the work is done to the best of their abilities." He emphasizes that advertising companies generally do not follow the traditional 9-to-6 work model, placing value on autonomy, proactiveness, and passion. Creativity is also an integral part. Creativity forms a vital part of the process. Jeffrey illustrates this with an example of how the team tailors products to target consumers across various industries. This requires a keen awareness of industry trends and the ability to understand products from a consumer's perspective. Even if they are not familiar with certain industries, such as banking or aviation, team members responsible for them would invest two to three weeks in comprehensive research and understanding.
Liberal Arts Education Cultivates Versatility
Jeffrey firmly believes that Lingnan University's liberal arts education can foster critical thinking and rational analysis. Language proficiency is also highly valued for graduates, including passing the IELTS and PSC (National Putonghua Proficiency Test). During the "Lingnan Roundtable" event in September, Jeffrey was invited to share his experiences in marketing and operating social media platform strategies as the General Manager of Hylink Group in Hong Kong. Many students took the opportunity to seek advice from Jeffrey after the event. About that, Jeffrey confidently asserts that young individuals often possess a clearer sense of direction than is typically perceived. He further explains, "Many students plan to engage in marketing, some already has begun their own businesses on a small scale, and some are exploring the realm of advertising. There are now many channels and resources available for them to research. They are not starting from scratch, so they can ask more incisive questions."
Getting Equipped for the Starting Line of Marketing
Lastly, Jeffrey advises juniors who want to enter the advertising industry. "Participate in networking events and deeply research and understand the industry. Confirm whether you truly love this field and can sustain it for five or ten years. Every industry goes through difficult periods, but if you genuinely love the work, you can courageously overcome the challenges." At the same time, he also encourages that they can equip themselves with industry skills early on, paving the way for their entry. He says, "Advertising companies often recruit internship. You can get in touch with how companies operate and try different types and brands of advertising companies. Each company has its unique style, corporate culture, and training methods. By gaining early experience, you can make the decision before graduation that you won't regret."