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Lingnan Plays Host to Third Forum on Hong Kong-Macau Education Development and the Inauguration of South China Normal University Centre for Hong Kong and Macau Studies – Lingnan University Branch Centre

LU SCNU Center Opening Photo


On 21 May 2023, the Third High-Level Forum on the Education Development in Hong Kong and Macau and the Inauguration of South China Normal University Centre for Hong Kong and Macau Studies – Lingnan University Branch Centre was held at Lingnan’s Paul S Lam Conference Centre. The event, co-organised by SCNU and Lingnan University, was attended by numerous guests. They included Shu Gangbo, Deputy Director of the Office of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Affairs of the Ministry of Education, Prof Xu Kai, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs under the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, Wang Jingxian, Deputy Director of the Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Affairs Office under the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau, as well as some 50 specialists and scholars from Hong Kong, Macau, Guangdong, Beijing and Shanghai.


In his opening speech, Prof Wang Enke, SCNU President and Director of SCNU’s Hong Kong and Macau Research Centre, pointed out that education is the key to promoting a “return of hearts” to the motherland and maintaining the prosperity and stability of the country. He said the High-Level Forum on the Education Development in Hong Kong and Macau promotes high-level academic research and, therefore, carries great significance for Hong Kong’s and Macau’s integration into the general development of the country, as well as the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Prof Wang also noted that the South China Normal University Centre for Hong Kong and Macau Studies – Lingnan University Branch Centre is the first branch of research institution established in Hong Kong by a tertiary institution in the mainland. He believes that the branch centre will greatly improve the academic research standard of the Hong Kong and Macau Research Centre while making contributions to the integrated education development in the  Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.


Prof Leonard K Cheng, President of Lingnan University, said in his speech that Lingnan is the oldest tertiary institution in Hong Kong, and that it always attaches great importance to mainland China. It strives to collaborate and develop partnerships with various mainland counterparts and strengthen exchange between teachers and students in Hong Kong and the mainland. Today, the number of mainland students enrolled in Lingnan is growing continuously. Leveraging the institution’s faculty and strengths, as well as its substantial experience in the mainland, Prof. Cheng is confident that Lingnan will establish the branch centre as an excellent research body. He added that Lingnan will also step up efforts to contribute to the “one country, two systems” framework by conducting research on education in Hong Kong and Macau and by undertaking the important tasks pertaining to a high-level think tank.


Other guests also gave speeches at the opening ceremony. Wang Jingxian, Deputy Director of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Affairs Office under the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau, stressed that the Guangdong Province will give greater attention and support to scientific research conducted by the Hong Kong and Macau Research Centre. Xu Kai, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs under the Liaison Office, pointed out that the research centre and the branch centre should support the nation’s research work related to Hong Kong and Macau in accordance with the national conditions. They should also strive for high-quality research results.  Shu Gangbo, Deputy Director of the Office of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Affairs of the Ministry of Education, said the branch centre should strive to attract young talents, give top priority to scientific research and theories, and play a more significant role in terms of promoting education development and enhancing the education quality in Hong Kong and Macau.


After the guests delivered their speeches, an unveiling ceremony was held to mark the inauguration of the South China Normal University Centre for Hong Kong and Macau Studies – Lingnan University Branch Centre. The research centre was founded with a view to providing an academic exchange platform for scholars in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau to conduct research and collaborate with each other. It regularly hosts academic forums and publish research results. It also encourages young academics to conduct research related to Hong Kong and Macau and education research, so as to help promote development of the Greater Bay Area.


At the event, many other specialists and scholars from different tertiary institutions, namely the University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University, the Education University of Hong Kong, Beijing Language and Culture University, SCNU, Peking University, University of Macau and East China Normal University, also delivered keynote reports and shared their insights and policy suggestions regarding education development in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau.



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