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Dr Alex Zhu’s Research on Financial Tolerance of Hong Kong Adolescents


Dr. Alex Zhu

Dr Alex Zhu, Research Assistant Professor of the School of Graduate Studies has recently conducted a research related to financial risk tolerance of Hong Kong adolescents. His research findings indicated that the level of financial risk tolerance in adolescents is important for them to establish confidence to take financial risks when making important decisions, which could help those economically disadvantaged families to get rid of inter-generational poverty. His policy recommendations to the Government about enhancing financial education in secondary school level is also insightful. Dr Zhu’s research findings are widely reported by media (for details, see the following links).


Ming Pao Daily News: 嶺大研究:窮學生理財偏保守 (Chinese only)

Sing Tao Daily News: 調查:七成基層生理財知識弱 (Chinese only)

Oriental Daily News: 輸在起跑線 專家籲學理財助脫貧 (Chinese only)

Hong Kong Economic Journal: 七成貧戶青年理財欠進取 (Chinese only)

Hong Kong Economic Times: 普遍中學生不願高風險換高收益 嶺大學者:本港缺乏理財實務教育 (Chinese only)

Ta Kung Pao: 學者籲中學引入理財風險教育 (Chinese only)

HK01:  嶺大研究指七成學生理財風險承受力不足 影響上流、延續跨代貧窮 (Chinese only)

Think HK:  調查:基層青年只接受低風險投資或未能往上流動 (Chinese only)