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Lingnan University - Peking University Co-organized Education Forum on Student Mobility Graduate Employment

Education Forum 2018


The growing relationship between Lingnan University and Peking University saw a new height on Saturday and Sunday (21-22 April 2018) in a hugely successful joint education forum. The forum is set to be organised every year, and hosting duties will rotate between the two institutions. This year’s event was held under the theme of “Education, Changing Labour Market and Student Mobility in East Asia”. The forum was well attended by participants from not only the organising institutions but also other sister Universities including University of Nottingham, Ningbo China; University College of London, Guangzhou University, the University of Social Sciences and Humanities and Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City.



As part of the opening ceremony, Prof. Ka Ho Mok welcomed the staff and students from Peking University and thanked them for their dedication to making the first of what he hoped would be many of such forums possible.  He took the opportunity to share some upcoming events and opportunities such as the IAFOR Conference for Higher Education Research – Hong Kong (October 19–21, 2018) to the participants. Finally, he reiterated Lingnan University’s commitment to strengthening its ties with other institutions for student and staff development. On his part, Prof. Hongjie Chen (Director of China Center for Doctoral Education, Graduate School of Education), who led the delegation from Peking University expressed his appreciation for Lingnan University’s efforts in making the long-anticipated forum a reality. He entreated participants to take advantage of the forum to establish networks for collaborative research.



Several oral presentations ensued after the opening session with both empirical and theoretical papers, which sought to explain the state of educational systems and outcomes in light of erratic global economies. After the first session of exciting and innovative oral presentations, participants were entreated to what could be described as a magnificent poster session.  The session included posters from students of the Division of Graduate Studies’ Postgraduate Seminar Series.  The presentations covered four main disciplines. This was a unique chance for them to rethink their works through informal and extensive interactions with both their colleagues and experienced scholars. A similar experience was conveyed by some of the Master Programme of International Higher Education and Management (IHEM) students who shared their research in the oral presentation sessions. Some participants later joined together for lunch and dinner where further discussions about future events and research partnerships took place.


In their closing remarks, Prof. Chen thanked Lingnan University for being an excellent host and promised to replicate the kind gesture when Peking University hosts the forum next year. Prof. Mok, also expressed his appreciation to all participants, especially, Peking University staff and students. He invited participants to share their works through some of Lingnan University’s numerous publication avenues and research platforms including the Inter-University Research Consortium for Higher Education and the Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Partnership (APHERP) whose headquarters will be moved to Lingnan University imminently. Lastly, he opened the doors for prospective students and partnerships concerning Lingnan University’s latest feat of establishing a professional doctorate programme, Doctor of Policy Studies (DPS).


