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Lingnan University proactively aligns with the development of new liberal art education and participates in the joint establishment of higher education infrastructure for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Lingnan University proactively aligns with the development of new liberal art education and participates in the joint establishment of higher education infrastructure for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area



Professor Joshua Mok ka-ho, Vice President of Lingnan University attended online “The Third Round Table Dialogue on Higher Education Collaboration in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” (GBA) on 20 November 2021 in the capacity of invited guest speaker. This high-end annual academic conference is co-organized by National Institute of Education Sciences, Guangzhou Institute of Educational Research and School of Education, Guangzhou University, with The GBA Education Research Centre providing logistics support. The key objective is to engage higher education institutes to form a collaborative network, thereby providing more quality resources to foster the development of higher education in the Greater Bay Area. Conducted in the format of click-and-mortar, the round table dialogue was attended by renowned scholars from many double first-class universities including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University and South China Normal University.   




Professor Joshua Mok ka-ho

Hong Kong as a hub to foster the joint development of higher education in GBA


Professor Mok was one of the two invited guest speakers from Hong Kong. During the round table dialogue, he gave a presentation with the title “Capitalizing on the strength of higher education in Hong Kong to foster the joint development of higher education in GBA”.  Professor Mok pointed out that Hong Kong is a key player in the joint development of higher education in GBA. Leveraging on the Mainland while engaging the world, Hong Kong can serve as a regional hub to foster collaboration with higher education institutes in the Mainland, thereby supporting the development of GBA.  With very high quality education and research, the eight universities in Hong Kong will be able to contribute significantly to the achievement of the strategic objectives of GBA. As such, the universities in Hong Kong should step up collaborations with their counterparts in the GBA to foster the industry-education-research development in areas including technology, humanities and smart management, etc.




Lingnan University proactively aligns with the development of new liberal art education in the Mainland



Leveraging on its unique features, Lingnan University has been proactively engaging in the development of education in GBA in recent years. During the round table dialogue, Professor Mok shared with the audience the distinguished achievements attained through collaborations in education and research with higher education institutes in GBA. Lingnan is the oldest university in Hong Kong and its liberal arts education is well recognized internationally. In QS Asia University Rankings 2021, Lingnan ranked No.6 in Asia among universities with a focus on arts and social sciences subjects. In THE University Impact Rankings 2021, Lingnan ranked third in the category “Quality Education”.    


In order to align with the development of new liberal arts education in the Mainland and to launch the best discipline in GBA, Lingnan University has formulated the strategic development plan for GBA 2019-2025 with the objectives to improving the undergraduate courses, enhancing the postgraduate programmes and strengthening joint research efforts.  In recent years, Lingnan Universities has set up six Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao joint research centres with very positive results. Among them is the “Joint Research Centre for Greater Bay Area - Social Policy and Governance” jointly established with South China University of Technology in 2019. Lingnan University also works together with Shenzhen University, both in sharing resources and in complementing each other,  in the development of undergraduate and postgraduate education.




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