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LU collaboration with Tuen Mun Healthy City promoting Good Health and Wellbeing

Tuen Mun Healthy City was established in 2008 with the aim to promote public health and healthy life style. The group endeavors to care for the physical and mental health of Tuen Mun residents, and to build a harmonious living environment for its members.


On 4 November, members of the Tuen Mun Healthy City had paid a visit to the LU Jockey Club Gerontech-X Lab, which is established under the LU Jockey Club Gerontechnology and Smart Ageing Project. Our Vice President, Prof. MOK Ka Ho Joshua, also greeted the group and shared his vision towards the development of gerontechnology and elderly services. “In Hong Kong, the Government is devoted to strengthening the application of innovation and technology in elderly and rehabilitation care. With the emphasis on Ageing in Place and the establishment of District Health Centres in all 18 districts, we foresee that gerontechnology will continue to play a strategic role in supporting the aged and fellow citizens. In the upcoming future, Lingnan University will continue to join hands with the Tuen Mun Health City in building Tuen Mun and the whole of Hong Kong a healthier and smarter city.”


During the visit, all participants got to learn about and try on multiple gerontechnologies in the Gerontech-X Lab. All of them were thrilled by the latest technologies as they do not only cater for physical needs of users but also take care of the emotional needs. The human-centered design of the products is crucial in a way that it helps boost both physical and mental health of the users. More importantly, it helps minimize the burden of the care-givers.



Media Report

Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre (Chinese only)