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Mr. CHANDA Patrick

Mr. CHANDA Patrick

PhD in Sociology and Social Policy



Lingnan University promotes excellence in research and teaching with international standards. Therefore, students have high-level exposure to world class researchers and professors in various fields such as social policy, sociology, psychology, political science, economics, and international affairs.


The learning environment, culture and facilities are also excellent and world class. Besides, emotional support from supervisors is great. These aspects contribute to a conducive and supportive atmosphere for students pursuing PhD programmes and other postgraduate studies.


Furthermore, the high level of internationalisation at Lingnan University has enabled me to meet and interact with some of the world’s best academics and students.


As students we are offered opportunities to form strong international social networks with academics and people from the industry. 


There is generous financial support (i.e., Hong Kong Fellowship Scheme and PhD studentships, student-led research funding, as well as funding for conferences and extra funding for other student activities). This is very good for students.






