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Brown-Bag seminar 7:

Improving mental health policy and practice:

can economic evidence help?



The School of Graduate Studies provide"Academic Learning Enhancement" activities for students in LEAP program. Now we welcome you to join the “Brown-Bag seminar” Session 7.

Date: 27 June 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 12:30 - 14:00 PM
Mode: Hybrid (Face-to-face or Zoom)
Venue: WYL 111
Speaker: Prof. Martin Knapp

Moderator: Prof. SHI Cheng


Introduction of Speaker:

  • Professor of Health and Social Care Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Professorial Research Fellow, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre
  • Programme Director, Research Programme for Social Care (RPSC), National Institute of Health and Social care (NIHR)



Across the world, the prevalence of mental illness is growing, and most health systems struggle to find a way to respond, whether through effective preventive actions or better treatment and support. This is a major concern, mainly because mental illness is distressing for individuals and families, but also because the economic impacts (disrupted employment, lost productivity, high health service and other costs) are enormous. Can evidence from economics research inform policy and practice decisions so that the impacts of mental illness – personal, societal and economic – be reduced? 
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