Media Reports

RTHK (2024/06/14)

RTHK (2024/06/14)

Uniting Hong Kong - Does Intergenerational Care Need Support?

Sky Post 2024/05/28

Sky Post 2024/05/28

Good News for Caregivers

Big Silver (2024/05/14)

Big Silver (2024/05/14)

Caregiver of Grandchildren 1・High School Student Who Took a Year Off.

HK01 (2024/05/08)

HK01 (2024/05/08)

The Elderly Caring for the Elderly: It's Time to Recognize the Value of "Grandchild Caregivers"

Sing Tao Daily  (2024/04/17)

Sing Tao Daily (2024/04/17)

Old buildings lack accessibility features. Establish indicators for regular 'community diagnostics' to build an elder-friendly city.

RTHK Radio 1 (2024/03/24)

RTHK Radio 1 (2024/03/24)

Letter from Hong Kong

Sing Tao Daily  (2024/03/18)

Sing Tao Daily (2024/03/18)

"Walking with caregivers for 20 years"

RTHK TV (2024/02/21)

RTHK TV (2024/02/21)

Carer Handboook

RTHK Radio 1 (2023/06/03)

RTHK Radio 1 (2023/06/03)

"Political Newcomers Training Class [Episode 209]" (Cantonese Only)