Programme Aims and Learning Outcomes



  • To stimulate student awareness of the linguistic, literary and cultural aspects of contemporary English.
  • To develop in students a high level of proficiency in the English language.
  • To give students an understanding of language study and of the ways this may meet a number of needs in society.
  • To give students a background in the different genres of contemporary literatures in English and develop the sensitivity to appreciate them.
  • To develop the skills of independent critical thinking and analysis.
  • To develop a perspective from which to appraise personal, professional and social issues.
  • To prepare students for the use of computer technology in communication.






  • Scholarship: Students will recognise the intertwining roles of language, media, and culture in modern societies and be able to apply conceptual knowledge and analytical tools to a diversity of texts in real life.
  • Communication & Creativity: Students will be able to communicate effectively in English across a range of written and spoken styles, media and contexts, and will have the confidence to make use of the creative potential of language.
  • Research Skills & Academic Literacy: Students will have developed and strengthened the skills of academic research, including the formulation of critical questions, the location and synthesis of information, and the communication of research findings, making appropriate use of IT software and tools and being aware of ethical issues.
  • Intercultural & Global Awareness: Students will be able to reflect critically on the cultural worlds that have shaped them and have strengthened their awareness of other cultures and wider global issues.
  • Interdisciplinary Knowledge & Application: Students will be able to investigate and analyse issues in literature and language studies, and combine different perspectives to consolidate their knowledge, gain new insights, and express a well-informed stance on interdisciplinary and cross-cultural issues.
  • Teamwork & Employability: Students will develop the capacity to work independently and with others, make observations, solve problems creatively, organise and present ideas, and discuss and negotiate effectively with supervisors and peers.