Subsite Background

Lingnan University Entrepreneurship Fund (LUEF)

The Lingnan University Entrepreneurship Fund (LUEF) was established to foster innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) development within the Lingnan community. By providing seed funding as well as technical and advisory support, we hope that we can help nurture leaders of tomorrow, who will influence the world differently.



Application is open to all:

  • current students (undergraduates, postgraduates, gap-year students);
  • alumni who have graduated from the university within the past 10 years;
  • and current Faculty and staff. 

Requirements for team formation: 

  • Leaders must be one of the above; and
  • At least 50% of the members must comprise of the above; and
  • At least 51% of shares of established companies must be held by the above. 

Funding Support

The fund will provide up to HKD500,000 to support innovative and meaningful entrepreneurial initiatives. The following reference provides indication of funding amount based on project maturity/stage.

Proof of concept: up to HKD50,000

To support projects with clear concepts and business plans to develop a service or product prototype

Twin-turbo: up to HKD100,000

To support projects that have been accepted into reknowned ideation/incubation/acceleration programmes (eg HKSTP, Cyberport, SIE), or for social innovations that have received reputable awards, in order for the teams to ramp up their project development

Scale-up: up to HKD500,000

To support projects with market-tested service or product with clear scale-up plans (including but not limited to executable strategies, viable financial plans, established functional team, etc).



Applications are accepted and processed by rounds. 


The application, review and follow-up process are as follows:

  • Complete the application, by filling the form found here.
  • Submit your business proposal, using the template found here.
  • Shortlisted projects will be vetted via an interview process. 
  • Successful projects will be offered a funding amount.
  • Accepted teams are required to provide milestone plans and deliverables, as well as provide regular progress updates to the Committee. 


    We are currently no longer accepting applications for the Academic Year of 2023-2024. 

Advisory Board

The Fund has established an advisory board to provide advising, coaching and consulting support to selected projects. Details can be found here.


For more information, please contact the LUEF Secretariat through email at [email protected]