
LEO Dr. David P. Chan Institute of Data Science(LEODCIDS)

Director: Prof. WONG Man Leung


Due to advances in computational technologies, the latest developments in artificial intelligence, the ubiquity of the Internet, the reduced cost of computational storage, the strong foundations of information technology (IT) infrastructure and recent initiatives, such as the Internet of Things and Smart Cities, it is possible to collect and store big data in different formats using different agents/devices every time and everywhere. 

These big datasets are valuable treasures containing insightful information and hidden knowledge. Conventionally, datasets are analyzed manually to explore the relationships among various variables. Even with powerful computers and software, analysts may not be able to recognize some hidden and potentially useful relationships. As mentioned above, many organizations perform their operations electronically, and these organizations are capable of generating and collecting big datasets at unprecedented speed. Consequently, the problems of analyzing, mining, visualizing, managing and administrating big datasets have become even more acute. The explosive growth of data requires a more systematic and efficient way to extract useful knowledge and more professionals with the skills and techniques to handle, analyze and manipulate big data.

Data science is an emerging interdisciplinary field that integrates knowledge and skills from artificial intelligence, computer science (including big data analytics, cloud computing, mobile computing) and statistics/mathematics with critical and out-of-the-box thinking. It promises to provide advanced methods and new techniques to manage, administrate, analyze and model data. It offers different approaches to delivering results to stakeholders and implementing results in different kinds of information/intelligent systems. The demand for data scientists, people who can master the skills and knowledge of data science, is increasing significantly.


The LEO Dr. David P. Chan Institute of Data Science was established in 2019 with a generous donation from Lingnan Education Organization Limited (LEO) and Dr. David P. Chan. In line with the University’s Strategic Plan, data science is chosen as an area of priority development to meet the future needs of society. The Institute is unique in educating students in a new technical field with liberal arts attributes. Our goal is to equip future leaders with fundamental knowledge in data science and associated technology for a world that is increasingly driven by massive data. 


The Institute’s research will be characterized by deep collaboration among the University, industry, and other key stakeholders. Partnerships with the industry and other organizations will be developed to promote collaborative research projects among academics, government, business, and the wider public to develop innovative solutions for pressing contemporary challenges. Cutting-edge science and technology in artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning, deep learning, big data analytics, and other appropriate methodologies will be adopted and invented as appropriate to solve complex problems through the analysis of big data.

To contribute to our community, the Institute will organize knowledge transfer activities to disseminate both innovative techniques and the latest research findings to the general public to enhance the University’s connection with society and create a positive impact on the community.