Frequently Asked Question

What is the normal study load for each year?


A student is required to take 120 or more credits of courses as stipulated in the student's programme curriculum before graduation. The normal study load of a full-time first year student should be 15 in a term and the maximum study load should be 30 credits in an academic year. The normal study load of a second year or above full-time student in a term should be in the range of 15 to 18 credits and the maximum study load in an academic year should be 33 credits. Nevertheless, instant approval to a student to exceed the maximum study can be approved by the Dean, Programme Director/Head of Department. For details, please refer to point 8 of the "Regulations Governing Undergraduate Students"

What is academic probation? What condition will a student be put on academic probation?


A student will be put on academic probation in the following term(s) if his/her Cumulative G.P.A. is below 1.67. Students on academic probation cannot take more than 12 credits of courses per term except otherwise approved. With the consent of his/her academic adviser and the Programme Director/Head of the Department concerned (or Dean for a student whose Major programme has not been allocated), a student on academic probation with Cumulative G.P.A. above 1.0 can take up to 15 credits of courses in the term. The student cannot take more than 15 credits of courses without exceptional approval of the Dean concerned. If a student on academic probation has a Cumulative G.P.A. of 1.0 or below, approval normally will not be granted for taking more than 12 credits of courses. Exceptions will require the approval of the Programme Director/Head of the Department and the Dean concerned. The performance of a student on probation will be reviewed at the end of the term when he/she has taken cumulatively 12 or more credits of courses since he/she has been put on probation. At the time of review, if the student obtains a Cumulative G.P.A. of 1.67 or above, probation will be lifted. Otherwise his/her studies will be discontinued as prescribed by Regulation. Generally the evaluation of students’ examination results to determine their academic standing will not apply to the summer term with the following exceptions. The performance of a student who is on academic probation will be reviewed at the end of the summer term if he/she has taken cumulatively 12 or more credits since he/she has been put on probation. At the time of review, if the student obtains a Cumulative G.P.A. of 1.67 or above, probation will be lifted. Otherwise he/she will be put on academic probation in the following term(s) if his/her Cumulative G.P.A. is below 1.67.  A student on academic probation cannot take more than 12 credits of courses per term except otherwise approved.  Student is required to see his/her academic advisor once a month during the term he/she is put on academic probation.


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If I plan to study SSC3319 Junior Research Project, do I need to fulfill any pre-requisite courses?


Before taking SSC3319 Junior Research Project, students are required to take at least one research methods course offered in the Programme.

Where can I see the course description and their prerequisite and restriction rules?


Please note that students have the full responsibility to observe and follow the prerequisite and restriction rules of each course. The information and descriptions with pre-requisites and/or restriction for all courses offered at Lingnan University at the undergraduate and taught postgraduate level are provided here.

How can I get a Minor Programme?


In addition to a Major Programme, a student admitted to the 4-year system in 2012 or after may register for one or two Minor Programme(s). The registration for a Minor Programme should be done by the end of the add/drop period in the first term of the final year of study. Normally a Minor Programme requires students to take 15 credits of courses. No double counting of course credits is allowed (except for students specially approved to have double Majors). A student may use the credits assigned for free electives in the curriculum of his/her registered programme of studies to take courses leading to a Minor Programme. Using free electives leading to fulfillment of requirements of a Minor Programme is not a double counting of course credits. A student who, upon graduation, has successfully fulfilled the requirements specified in the curriculum of the Minor Programme(s) for which he/she has registered will have the title of his/her Minor Programme(s) indicated in his/her transcripts. Please click here to see the details of the Minor Programmes offered by the University.

How many Common Core and Cluster Course should I take?


The Core Curriculum is made up of a Common Core and 5 Clusters.  Students are required to take 4 required common core courses and a total of 7 courses (before 2018-19 intakes) and 5 courses (from 2018-19 intakes) from the 5 Clusters, with at least one course from each cluster.

What is Free Electives?


Students may select courses in any disciplines to obtain the total number of credits required for graduation, subject to timetable, course load and study scheme constraints. Students may select courses in any disciplines to obtain the total number of credits required for graduation, subject to timetable, course load and study scheme constraints.

What is Cumulative GPA?


This is a figure ranging from 0 to 4.00 (A = 4.00) used to indicate the overall performance of a student in all the terms up to date. Courses enrolled (including those in a summer term), regardless of passed or failed, will be included in the calculation of Term, Year or Cumulative G.P.A.


Cumulative G.P.A.:
Total weighted points for all courses taken/ Total number of credits* enrolled in for all terms


*credits of relevant course only


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