Digital Universities Asia 2024

Lingnan@DUA 2024

Digital Universities Asia will convene higher education, industry, and policy leaders working at the intersection of academic innovation and technology to reinvent institutions as more accessible and inclusive than ever before, using the latest digital tools and technologies. Through thoughtful discussions, case studies, and interactive workshops, the event will demonstrate how Asia’s higher education sector can harness the power of AI and groundbreaking technologies to create an inclusive and empowering environment for learning and knowledge exchange. 


Digital Universities Asia 2024 is hosted in partnership with Universitas Indonesia in Bali, Indonesia, from July 1-3, 2024. Lingnan University will participate in a keynote talk and a roundtable discussion. The topic of the keynote talk is "Reimagining Higher Education in the Age of AI," with President S. Joe Qin as the keynote speaker. Following the keynote, a roundtable discussion titled “Building a Future-Ready Institution: Leveraging Technology to Transform Higher Education” will convene. This discussion will bring together a panel of university leaders to delve into the strategies, opportunities, and challenges of using technology to spearhead digital transformation in higher education. 


For registration, please visit the Digital Universities Asia 2024 website.

Keynote talk by President S. Joe Qin

Date: 2 July 2024

Time: 11:45 am – 12:15 pm


Topic: Reimagining Higher Education in the Age of AI


The rapid development of generative AI and large language models has sparked a new wave of intellectual innovation. The new era has presented both challenges and opportunities for higher education institutions like Lingnan University, where we value research and creativity as part of our daily lives. We also recognize that knowledge is dynamic and evolving, not static and fixed. Disruptive technologies can displace existing professions and create new ones. We will address several open questions in this keynote, including i) How will it affect the curriculum? ii) Is it relevant to Liberal Arts? iii) what education models would be endangered? And iv) How to help students enhance critical thinking skills with generative AI? We will explore how the digital revolution affects higher education in terms of skills-based and holistic education. 



Roundtable discussion

Date: 2 Jul 2024

Time: 12:30 – 1:30 pm


Topic: Building a future-ready institution: Leveraging technology to transform higher education


This roundtable discussion, held in partnership with Lingnan University at Times Higher Education’s Digital Universities Asia 2024 event, will bring together a panel of university leaders to delve into the strategies, opportunities and challenges of utilising technology to spearhead the digital transformation in higher education.


By exchanging experiences, insights and inventive methods, we will aim to focus on how universities are navigating the digital landscape to revolutionise their teaching, learning and administrative processes. University leaders will also be encouraged to discuss and exchange examples of best practices, successful case studies and pioneering approaches to prepare students for the future workforce demands.


Together, we can forge a future-ready institution to equip students for the evolving global challenges and opportunities and contribute to the collective understanding of transforming higher education in the digital era.


Talking points

  • How universities in Asia are navigating the digital landscape
  • What approaches universities must adopt to enhance teaching and learning methods using digital and blended delivery
  • Identifying where technology can streamline the administrative processes 
  • Ways that digital tools can help universities prepare students to meet the future demands of workforce and industry
  • What challenges persist when leveraging technology at scale across an entire institution



  1. Professor S. Joe Qin, President, Lingnan University
  2. Professor Raymond Chan, Vice-President (Academics) cum Provost, Lingnan University
  3. Professor Stephen Yong-Seung Park, Professor of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 
    Director, Institute for Peace through Commerce, Kyung Hee University School of Management
  4. Professor Shoichiro Iwakiri, President, International Christian University


Mr Alistair Lawrence, Head of branded content, THE

Our speakers @DUA 2024

Lingnan@DUA 2024

Professor S. Joe Qin

President, Lingnan University


Joe Qin is Wai Kee Kau chair professor of data science and president of Lingnan University in Hong Kong. Previous roles have included assistant professor, associate professor, professor and holder of the Paul D. and Betty Robertson Meek and American Petrofina Foundation centennial professorship in chemical engineering (1995-2007) at the University of Texas at Austin, and Fluor professor at the Viterbi School of Engineering of the University of Southern California (2007-19), during which time he took three years’ leave to be vice-president and presidential chair professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. From January 2020 to June 2023, Professor Qin was in Hong Kong serving as the inaugural dean of the School of Data Science and chair professor of data science at the City University of Hong Kong.

Lingnan@DUA 2024

Professor Raymond Chan

Vice president (academics) cum provost, Lingnan University


Raymond Chan is vice-president (academics) cum provost at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. He is a fellow of the US Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), American Mathematical Society, and China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. He also serves on the SIAM board of trustees and is vice-president of the International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians. Professor Chan is co-director and chief scientist of the Hong Kong Centre for Cerebro-cardiovascular Health Engineering, and dean of the College of Science and chair professor in mathematics at City University of Hong Kong (CityU), as well as vice-president (student affairs) from 2021-23. Before joining CityU, he worked at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (US), The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Lingnan@DUA 2024

Professor Stephen Yong-Seung Park

Professor of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 
Director, Institute for Peace through Commerce 

Kyung Hee University School of Management


Stephen Yong-Seung Park is a distinguished professor of human resources and industrial relations at the School of Management of Kyung Hee University in Seoul, South Korea. Other roles at KHU include director of the Institute for Peace through Commerce, special adviser to the university chancellor, and former dean of international affairs and dean of university relations. He is also president of the Korean Association of Business Communication, and senior vice-president of the Korean Association of Business Education. Professor Park has served as a committee member of the National Labour Relations Commission of the Republic of Korea. In 2010, he served as conference chair for the 1st Asian Forum for UN PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) in Seoul and was awarded the UN PRME Pioneer Award in 2017.

Lingnan@DUA 2024

Professor Shoichiro Iwakiri

President of International Christian University


Professor Shoichiro Iwakiri was born in 1959 in Japan. He acquired his master’s degree in literature from the University of Tokyo Graduate School, and DEA from the Université Paris 7.


His specialty is modern and contemporary French poetry and drama. He has translated more than 20 French plays into Japanese. He received the Yuasa Yoshiko Prize in 2008 for his drama translation work. He started teaching at ICU in 1996. After serving as Director of Admissions Center and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, he has been serving as President of ICU since April 2020.