Chinese Language Ability Assessment

Chinese Language Ability Assessment


We aware that some undergraduate students with varied language backgrounds may not be fit in the existing Chinese required courses LCC1010 Chinese Communication I and LCC2010 Chinese Communication II, so 2 sessions of Chinese Language Ability Assessment have been arranged on the following schedule:

Section 1: For Mainland, Malaysia and Taiwan students

Date:       29 August 2023 (Tuesday)

Time:      10:45 a.m.

Venue:     LKK202

Who are eligible to attend this section of assessment?

  • Non-local students from Mainland China with JEE results
  • Non-local students from Mainland China, Malaysia or Taiwan with adequate knowledge in Chinese and Putonghua
  • Local students but study in Mainland China with JEE results

Who are not eligible to attend this section of assessment?

  • Those who have DSE Chinese Language results


Section 2: For students who does not have adequate knowledge in Chinese to take LCC1010/2010

Date:       28 August 2023 (Monday)

Time:      2:00 p.m.

Venue:     LKK202

tickWho are eligible to attend this section of assessment?

  • International students
  • Local students without adequate knowledge in Chinese



An email notification from the Registry will be sent to students who are eligible to take these assessments. If you have not received any notification but you think you are eligible, you can send your basic information with certificate of Chinese language ability (if any) to apply to join these assessments via [email protected] on or before noon 26 August 2023.


 查詢電話:26167701      電郵地址: [email protected]      地址: 嶺南大學林炳炎樓3樓311室﹝LBY311﹞