Subsite Background

Students Entrepreneurial Exploration Development (SEED) Fund

The Lingnan Education Organization Limited (LEO) Tse Kai Yui Memorial Fund (嶺南教育機構謝啟睿紀念基金) generously provides financial support to boost entrepreneurship pursuits through the Students Entrepreneurial Exploration Development (SEED) Fund. The fund provides up to HKD30,000 per project, to support prototype development and customer discovery activities. Students are encouraged to use the SEED funding to implement entrepreneurial or social innovation projects to address a real-world situation.



  • Current Lingnan students of all years and discipline are welcome to apply. 
  • Projects that have received support from the Innovation and Impact Fund (IIF) will not be considered for this funding.  

Funding Support

Up to HKD30,000 per approve project:

  • the full amount is to be utilised in twelve months.
  • The funding will be disbursed on a reimbursement basis. 



  • Review of application is on a rolling basis, and typically closes in November of every academic year. The fund is now closed for the Academic Year of 2023-2024. 
  • Applicants are required to complete the application form, submit a proposal (sample), as well as a nomination by a Class Lecturer/Faculty Member. Please email the three documents to [email protected]

  • Shortlisted applicants will be invited to a vetting interview. 


Assessment Criteria

  • Originality and innovativeness of the project;
  • Feasibility and sustainability of the project;
  • Quality of the execution plan; and
  • Potential to attract additional investment. 



  • Successful teams are required to share their entrepreneurial experience at least once at any stage in the form of a seminar.
  • Teams are required to provide a project report one year after the fund award. This includes progress update and a financial report.  
  • Successful teams are required to complete a follow-up survey in two years after the fund award. 


 For more information, please contact LEI at 2616-8074 (Chad Chan) or through email at [email protected]