Publications (Prof. LENG Mingming)


H. Guo, M. Leng, and Y. Wang. “Interchange Fee Rate, Merchant Discount Rate, and Retail Price in a Credit Card Network: A Game-Theoretic Approach.” To appear in Naval Research Logistics.


J. Huang, M. Leng, and M. Parlar. “Demand Functions in Decision Modeling: A Comprehensive Survey and Research Directions.” To appear in Decision Sciences.


M. Leng and M. Parlar. “Transfer Pricing in a Multidivisional Firm: A Cooperative Game Analysis.” To appear in Operational Research Letters.


J. Huang, M. Leng, and L. Liang. "Recent Developments in Dynamic Advertising Research." To appear in European Journal of Operational Research.


M. Leng, M. Parlar, and D. Zhang. "The Retail Space-Exchange Problem with Pricing and Space Allocation Decisions." To appear in Production and Operations Management.


J. Song and M. Leng. "Analysis of the Single-Period Problem under Carbon Emissions Policies." To appear in the Springer's Handbook on "Newsvendor Problems: Models, Extensions and Applications" T. Choi (ed.), Springer.


M. Leng and M. Parlar. "Analytic Solution for the Nucleolus of a Three-Player Cooperative Game.'' Naval Research Logistics, vol. 57, pp. 667--672, October 2010.


J. Huang, M. Leng, and L. Liang. "Competition and Coordination in a Fashion Supply Chain with Wholesale Pricing Schemes,'' Accepted for publication in the book "Fashion Supply Chain Management: Industry and Business Analysis" T. Choi (ed.), IGI Global.


M. Leng and R. Becerril-Arreola. "Joint Pricing and Contingent Free-Shipping Decisions in B2C Transactions.'' Production and Operations Management, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 390--450, July--August 2010.


M. Leng and M. Parlar. "Game-Theoretic Analyses of Decentralized Assembly Supply Chains: Non-Cooperative Equilibria vs. Coordination with Cost-Sharing Contracts." European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 204, issue1, pp. 96-104, 2010.


M. Leng and M. Parlar. "A Note on Optimal "Riskless" and "Risk" Prices for the Newsvendor Problem with an Assembly Cost." International Journal of Inventory Research, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 209-219, 2010.


M. Leng and M. Parlar. "Allocation of Cost Savings in a Three-level Supply Chain with Demand Information Sharing: A Cooperative Game Approach." Operations Research, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 200-213, January-February 2009.


M. Leng and A. Zhu. "Side-Payment Contracts in Two-Person Nonzero-Sum Supply Chain Games: Review, Discussion and Applications." European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 196, issue 2, pp. 600-618, 2009.


J. Huang, M. Leng and Z. Dai. "Novel Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Solutions for the 2D Complex Cubic Ginzburg-Landau Equation." Physics Letters A, vol. 374, pp. 258-263, 2009.


M. Leng and M. Parlar. "Lead-Time Reduction in a Two-Level Supply Chain: Non-Cooperative Equilibria vs. Coordination with a Profit-Sharing Contract." International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 118, pp. 521--544, 2009.


M. Leng and M. Parlar. "Game-Theoretic Analysis of an Ancient Chinese Horse Race Problem." Computers & Operations Research, vol. 33, pp. 2033-2055, 2006.


M. Leng and M. Parlar. "Free Shipping and Purchasing Decisions in B2B Transactions: A Game-Theoretical Analysis." IIE Transactions, vol. 37, pp. 1119-1128, 2005.


M. Leng and M. Parlar. "Game Theoretic Applications in Supply Chain Management: A Review." INFOR, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 187-220, August 2005.


M. Leng, J. Song and Z. Hu. "An Application of CAPM in the Corporation Finance." Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 97-100, September 1997. (in Chinese)


Z. Hu and M. Leng. "A Form of CAPM Expression of the Company's Asset Structure and Capital Expenditure Structure." Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 99-106, December 1996. (in Chinese)


M. Leng and Y. Wang. "Make Use of Security Market to Develop Foreign Trade Firms in P. R. China." China Market, Vol. 16, No. 4, April 1995. (in Chinese)


M. Leng. "Managerial and Financial Strategies for a Foreign Trading Company." Bank and Enterprise, Vol. 161, No. 1, January 1995. (in Chinese)