Programme Overview

The Bachelor of Liberal Arts (Hons) in Global Development and Sustainability

BLA-GDS trains global skills through a multi-campus experience and a multi-disciplinary curriculum. Students learn to apply creative and critical thinking to global development and sustainability challenges through analysing cultural, economic, political, historical, environmental and social systems. By interacting within a small diverse cohort and by studying abroad in two or more continents, students learn to effectively communicate across varied cultural backgrounds and professional areas. Advanced coursework and a senior capstone, guided by academic advisers and professional mentors, enable students to address central human problems while critically considering future consequences, both locally and globally.

The Bachelor of Liberal Arts (Hons) in Global Development and Sustainability
  • ONE Degree with Multi-campus and Multi-country Learning Experience in at least TWO different continents
  • Interdisciplinary studies with Concentrations
  • Required courses taught by Chair Professors and faculty members with Teaching Excellence Awards across all Faculties
  • Worldwide network of prestigious partner universities and visiting partners such as Fudan University, the London School of Economics and Political Science, National Taiwan University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Waseda University and Yonsei University
  • Mentorship by distinguished and committed Hong Kong and global leaders