Capstone Project

All GDS students are required to take a capstone research project in their final year of study. This year-long six-credit capstone course enables students to integrate, articulate, advance, and present the totality of their learning in the four-year programme. Its central focus is the execution of an individual project, which will culminate in the production of an e-portfolio.


The process and content of the course guides students to 
(a) integrate and evaluate the local and global, the disciplinary and interdisciplinary, and the academic and the experiential aspects of their learning; 
(b) apply their knowledge and skills to a substantial summative project;
(c) articulate and present their project ideas through written, oral, and e-technology formats. 


The various components of the course empower students not only to produce a capstone project but to confidently coalesce and apply the totality of their experience to competently embark on their post-university work and life.
