Teaching Portfolio

Additionally, if you are interested in sharing your teaching portfolio with a wider audience, you can reach out to the Teaching and Learning Center. Teaching and Learning Center may offer the opportunity to showcase your portfolio on their webpage, allowing you to further promote your expertise and teaching accomplishments to a broader audience. Be sure to inquire about any guidelines or requirements for submitting your portfolio to the TLC's webpage.

Teaching Portfolio: Microsoft Sway

Advantages of Creating a Teaching Portfolio

1.    Showcasing your expertise A teaching portfolio allows you to demonstrate your teaching skills, knowledge, and accomplishments to potential employers or evaluators.

2.    Reflecting on teaching practices Through creating a teaching portfolio, you can self-reflect and gain insights into your teaching philosophy, strategies, and goals.

3.    Supporting professional development A teaching portfolio is a valuable tool for identifying areas of strength and improvement in your teaching practice. It can help you set professional development goals and track your progress.

4.    Enhancing job applications Having a well-structured teaching portfolio can make your job application stand out. It provides concrete evidence of your teaching abilities and can help you secure teaching positions, promotions, or tenure.

5.    Promoting collaboration and feedback Sharing your teaching portfolio with colleagues and mentors can encourage collaboration, feedback, and opportunities for growth and improvement.



Creating a Teaching Portfolio: Guidelines

1.  Summary of Teaching Responsibilities. Include a list of courses taught with brief descriptions, as well as any additional teaching responsibilities, mentoring, or supervising roles.Reflective Statement of Teaching Philosophy, Practices, and Goals. Write a statement that articulates your beliefs about teaching and learning, instructional strategies, and goals for student achievement. Provide examples of teaching approaches aligned with your philosophy.

2.  Course development and modification Include sample syllabi or course outlines that demonstrate your ability to design and structure courses. Describe any modifications made to meet the needs of diverse learners.

3. Teaching materials were developed. Showcase your creativity, organisation, and alignment with learning objectives through lesson plans and multimedia resources such as presentations, videos, or interactive activities.

4.  Good teaching produces results. Include student work samples that demonstrate high achievement or growth, as well as project outcomes showcasing student engagement, critical thinking, or real-world application of knowledge.

5.  Evaluation and improvement. Reflect on specific teaching experiences and lessons learned, and document self-assessment or peer feedback processes. Include action plans for improvement.

6.    Presentations, research, and publications on teaching Provide copies of presentations delivered at conferences or workshops, as well as published articles, book chapters, or research papers related to teaching and learning.

7.   Administrative and committee work Describe any leadership roles held in curriculum development, assessment committees, or professional learning communities. Include examples of collaborative projects or initiatives that improve teaching.

8. Information from students and colleagues Incorporate course evaluations, testimonials, letters of recommendation from students, peer observation reports, and collaborative projects or research conducted with colleagues on teaching and learning.

9.    Additional Resources. Include supplementary teaching resources, such as handouts, worksheets, rubrics, and sample student projects or performances.

Template for Creating a Teaching Portfolio

Microsoft Sway provides a template that you can use to create your teaching portfolio. Access the template at the following link: Template

For further guidance on creating a teaching portfolio, refer to the Lingnan University Teaching Portfolio Handbook: Guidelines.

To learn how to use Microsoft Sway effectively, you can watch the Sway Tutorial for Beginners on YouTube: Tutorial


Remember to tailor your teaching portfolio to the institutions you are applying to, emphasising documents such as your teaching philosophy, sample syllabi, student evaluations, and lesson plans. Aim for a well-written, student-centred portfolio that highlights your values, practices, and motivations for teaching.

Furthermore, it is imperative that you proactively engage with the Teaching and Learning Centre to explore the possibility of sharing your teaching portfolio with a wider audience. The TLC offers a valuable platform for you to showcase your portfolio on the webpage, enabling you to effectively promote your expertise and notable teaching achievements to a broader range of individuals. Taking this step is essential to maximising the visibility and impact of your teaching portfolio.


Teaching portfolio showcase

→ Ms. FAN Yim Hung Angel showcase