GAI Use Case for Students 2

Leveraging Generative AI for Comprehensive and Visually Engaging Slides

Background Story

The professor, Dr. Greenfield, has assigned a group project on the impacts of climate change. The students need to create a presentation that covers the scientific evidence, potential consequences, and proposed solutions.

The students are struggling to gather and synthesize all the relevant information from various scientific sources. They decide to use a Generative AI model to help them quickly summarize key points, create visually appealing slides, and ensure their presentation is comprehensive and well-structured.

Included Tools



  1. Identify Presentation Topic and Objectives
    • Determine the key topic, focus areas, and desired outcomes for your presentation.
  2. Gather Relevant Content
    • Collect the information, data, and materials you want to include in your presentation.
  3. Input Content into Gamma AI
    • Launch the Gamma AI presentation tool.
    • Provide the key topic, outline, and any other relevant details about your presentation.
  4. Generate Draft Slides
    • Instruct Gamma AI to generate an initial set of presentation slides based on your input.
  5. Review and Refine Slides
    • Examine the AI-generated slides and make any necessary edits or adjustments.
    • Customize the design, layout, and visual elements as needed.
  6. Finalize Presentation
    • Incorporate any remaining content, talking points, or multimedia assets.
    • Review the complete presentation for consistency, clarity, and visual appeal.
  7. Present with Confidence
    • Practice delivering the presentation using the Gamma AI-generated slides.
    • Be prepared to discuss how Gamma AI assisted in the creation of your presentation.

Sample Outline:


  • Overview of climate change and its importance
  • Thesis statement: Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires immediate action.

The Science of Climate Change

  • Explanation of greenhouse gases and their role in global warming
  • Evidence from scientific research and data (e.g., temperature records, sea level rise, extreme weather events)

Impacts of Climate Change

  • Environmental impacts (e.g., melting glaciers, ecosystem disruption, biodiversity loss)
  • Social and economic impacts (e.g., food and water scarcity, human health issues, displacement of populations)

Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation

  • Renewable energy solutions (e.g., solar, wind, hydropower)
  • Energy efficiency measures (e.g., building retrofits, transportation changes)
  • Carbon capture and storage technologies
  • Adaptation strategies (e.g., coastal protection, disaster preparedness)

International Cooperation and Policy

  • Global efforts to address climate change (e.g., Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals)
  • Role of governments, businesses, and individuals in driving change


  • Recap of key points
  • Call to action for audience to get involved in climate change solutions

Additional Instructions:

  • Include relevant data, statistics, and visuals to support the presentation.
  • Aim for a duration of 15-20 minutes.
  • Focus on creating an engaging and informative presentation.

This sample input content provides Gamma AI with a clear outline, key topics, and details to generate a comprehensive set of presentation slides on the climate change topic. Students can further refine and customize the slides generated by the AI to suit their specific needs and preferences.