Unseen Story of Financial Centre (金粉之外) (Seminar Session)

Unseen Story of Financial Centre (Seminar Session)LE2I

Date:14/11/2022 (Monday)

Time:4:30-6:30 pm


Language of Instruction:English


Speaker: Dr. ZHANG Paiyu

Description of the Seminar:

This cultural activity would lead the students to know the unseen treasure of Hong Kong in a cultural institution setting (Museum, Gallery and Culture Complex) in Hong Kong. It tells a panoramic background of the art, historical and cultural development of Hong Kong. It would cover the core themes of Chinese Antiquity, Chinese Fine Art, Craftsmanship, the cultural intersection in Canton/Hong Kong, and Hong Kong History.



Unseen Story of Financial Centre (Seminar Session)
Unseen Story of Financial Centre (Seminar Session)


Unseen Story of Financial Centre (Seminar Session)



Unseen Story of Financial Centre (Seminar Session)




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