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Notes on Tianjiu Therapy

Tianjiu therapy, also known as acupoint herbal patching, is a kind of treatment that applies Chinese Medicinal herbal paste on designated acupoints and cause mild skin irritation, for the purpose of modulating the body immunity and improve certain chronic cold-deficiency type conditions. In TCM, Tianjiu therapy is often arranged in the summer (Sanfu days, mid-July to mid-August) and after Winter Solstice (Sanjiu days, late December to mid-January), which is a better seasonal timing to promote yang-qi, strengthen the body and achieve a prolonged health keeping effect.

  1. Chronic sickness including: nasal allergies, asthma, bowel discomforts, low back pain and menstrual conditions
  2. TCM constitutions: Yang-qi deficiencies, general weakness, cool limbs etc.
  3. Some Post-COVID symptoms such as fatique.

Those with following conditions should seek for prior consultation:

  1. Skin wounds and allergies;
  2. Uncontrolled diabetes, blood disorders, malignant hypertension, serious organ diseases, malignant tumors, infections disease;
  3. Acute stage of disease, such as fever, asthma exacerbation etc;
  4. Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  5. Infants under the age of 2 years old.
  1. Our TCM Practitioner will conduct health assessment followed by selection of treatment site (acupoints, usually located at the back).
    About 5-6 herbal pastes will be applied on the body for about 2 hours.
    Avoid active movement during the period.
    In case of in bearable discomfort, remove the plaster accordingly.
  2. Normally 3 doses at an interval of about 10 days for each course. Prior appointment is required.
  3. Loose clothing is preferred.
  • The herbal paste used Tianjiu therapy contains hot-type ingredients which may cause mild irritations, itchy, skin redness, swelling, blisters or scars.
  • In case of itchiness or irritation, tap around instead of scratching the wound.
  • In case of swelling or blisters, clean the would with clean water or saline and cover the wound with clean gauze. Avoid spicy food which may cause further irritation. Drink more water.
  • For further abnormal circumstances, please contact us at 2616 7828.

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Chinese Medicine Clinic