Subsite Background

Personal Data Privacy Committee

The Personal Data Privacy Committee of the University (the Committee) oversees compliance with the staff and student Members and steers the development and implementation of the University’s Privacy Management Programme. The Committee requires data users of the University to follow the Code of Practice for Handling Personal Data (the Code) to ensure that adequate measures are undertaken to safeguarding one’s personal data and privacy.

Terms of reference

a.To oversee compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance by the University’s practices of personal data handling.
b.To steer the development and implementation of the University’s comprehensive Privacy Management Programme (PMP) with an aim to foster a personal data privacy respectful culture in the University, in particular: -
  • reviewing and making recommendations to the President on the policies, procedures and code of practice in relation to personal data handling, and monitoring the implementation of these policies, procedures and code of practice,
  • reviewing and making recommendations to the President on the University’s Privacy Policy Statement,
  • developing a personal data inventory for implementation by all units of the University with access to personal data, and monitoring the periodic personal data inventory review exercise,
  • initiating and monitoring the periodic risk assessment to all operating units of the University and the privacy impact assessment when deemed appropriate,
  • promoting staff awareness on privacy protection and providing training and education to staff members with duties for handling personal data, and
  • formalizing and monitoring the mechanism for reporting and handling of a data breach incident.
c.To review the effectiveness of the University’s PMP and to revise the programme controls where necessary.
d.To review and recommend the fees to be charged for a request for personal data access for the President’s consideration.
e.To report to the President from time to time on matters relating to the University’s compliance in relation to personal data privacy.


Membership Composition

Chairman :Vice-President (Administration)
Members :Associate Vice-President (Academic Quality Assurance and Internationalisation)
 Associate Vice-President (Institutional Advancement and External Affairs)
 Associate Vice-President (Strategic Research)
 Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs)
 Chief Data Protection Officer
 Chief Information Officer and University Librarian
 Dean of School of Graduate Studies
 Director of Human Resources
 Director of Institutional Advancement and Public Affairs
 Director of Student Affairs
 Director of Lingnan Institute of Further Education
Secretary :Director of Administration