Subsite Background

Prof. LAU, Chi-pang, JP (劉智鵬教授 太平紳士)


Associate Vice President (Academic Affairs and External Relations), Lingnan University
Professor, Department of History, Lingnan University
Co-ordinator, HK & South China Historical Research Programme, Lingnan University
Director, Jockey Club Hong Kong History Learning Programme, Lingnan University
Director, Hong Kong Local Records Office


Tel.: (852) 2616-7483
Fax.: (852) 2467-7478
Email: [email protected]

Location:  Room 208/9, Wong Administration Building, Lingnan University, 黃氏行政大樓208/9


Major Public Services

Ex-officio Member, Heung Yee Kuk, 2018-date
New Territories Justice of the Peace, 2018-date
Member, Advisory Council on the Environment, 2017-date
Chairman, Advisory Committee on Built Heritage Conservation, 2016-date
Member, Public Libraries Advisory Committee, 2014-2016
Justice of the Peace, 2013-date
Member, Council of the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust, 2013-date
Member, Town Planning Board, 2010-2016
Member, History Museum Advisory Panel, 2010-2016
Member, Advisory Committee on Revitalization of Historic Buildings, 2008-2016
Adviser, "Hong Kong History Series", Radio Television Hong Kong, 2007-2015
Co-opted Member, Heung Yee Kuk, 2007-2016
Member, Antiquities Advisory Board, 2007-2012
Adviser, LCSD Museum Expert Advisers, 2006-date
Member and Vice-Chairman, Tuen Mun District Council, 2004-2011


Professional Affiliation

Executive Member, Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies
Council Member, China Toponymy Society


Other Positions

INED, Shengjing Bank Co., Ltd, 2014-2018
INED, Future Bright Mining Holding Ltd, 2018-date


Areas of Interest

Hong Kong History, Ming and Qing China, Modern China, Chinese Intellectual History.

PhD (History), University of Washington 2000

MPhil (Chinese Intellectual History), The University of Hong Kong 1987

BA (Chinese History & Japanese), The University of Hong Kong 1984

Journal Articles 

LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "口述歷史與香港史志的編纂(Oral History and the Compilation of Contemporary Hong Kong History)", 臺灣文獻 Taiwan Historica, Vol. 65, Issue 1, pp. 49-72, Taiwan Historica, Mar 2014, Published, Refereed Journal, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "香港史研究的現狀、功用與設想 (The Study of Hong Kong History: Present Situation, Uses, and Prospects)", 港澳研究 Hong Kong and Macao Journal, Vol. 2013, Issue 1, pp. 76-82, Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies, Nov 2013, Published, Refereed Journal, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "新安縣全圖(1866)中的新界村莊(New Territories villages in the Map of Xinan County, 1866)", Bulletin of Ming Qing Studies, Vol. 10, pp. 387-412, School of Chinese, HKU, Dec 2012, Published, Refereed Journal, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "方志學的現代理念與應用 (Modern theory and practice of the study of local records)", 華學, Vol. 9, pp. 1341-1348, Guangzhou: Zhongshan University Publishing Co., Aug 2008, Published, Refereed Journal, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "屯門地名考 (On the name and location of Tuen Mun)", Journal of Jinan University, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 135-139, Editorial Department of Journal of Jinan University, Jul 2007, Published, Refereed Journal, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "費密著述考 (On Fei Mi's writings)", Journal of Sichuan Normal University, Vol. 31, Issue no.6, pp. 127-135, Sichuan Normal University, Nov 2004, Published, Refereed Journal, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "地方志釋名 (On the title of local records)", Chinese Local Records, Vol. ol. 146, pp. 12-13, Chinese Local Records, Sep 2004, Published, Policy/Professional Journal, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , LIU Shuyong. (50%) , "編修香港地方志的幾點看法與建議(Some thoughts and suggestions on the compilation of Hong Kong Local Records)", Chinese Local Records, Vol. ol. 143, pp. 4-5, Chinese Local Records, Jun 2004, Published, Policy/Professional Journal, Non-Refereed


Scholarly Books and Monographs Authored/ Edited


LAU Chi-pang (100%), 鐵漢柔情:香港建築扎鐵業發展史(History of Hong Kong Bar-bending Industry) , Chung Hwa Book Company, Nov 2018, 221 Pages, Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , LIU Shuyong (50%) , 香港威海衛警察口述歷史(Oral History of Hong Kong Weihai Police) , The City University of Hong Kong Press , Nov 2018, 258 Pages, Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , Lingnan University 50th Anniversary Commemorative booklet , Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, Dec 2017, 200 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , LIU Shuyong (50%) , 香港史 (History of Hong Kong), The City University of Hong Kong Press, Jan 2017, 300 Pages , Accepted, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , LIU Shuyong (50%) , 香港通史(History of Hong Kong) , Peking University Press, Dec 2016, 300 Pages , Accepted, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (33%) , TING S.P. (33%) , LIU S. (33%) , 香港(Hong Kong) , Foreign Language Publishing Company, May 2016, 195 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , WONG Kwan-kin (50%) , The History of the Hong Kong Fire Services Department , Hong Kong Fire Services Department, Apr 2016, 265 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , WONG K.K. (50%) , 黃竹坑故事--從河谷平原到創協坊(The Story of Wong Chuk Hang) , Joint Publishing (HK) Ltd, Nov 2015, 150 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , TING Sun Pao (50%) , 日軍在港軍事罪行(Military crimes committed by Japanese Army during Occupation of Hong Kong) , Chung Hwa Book Company, Sep 2015, 962 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


ZHANG Z. (50%) , LAU Chi-pang (50%) , 中華民國專題史,卷17,香港與內地(Thematic History of the Republic of China, Vol. 17, Hong Kong and the Mainland China , Nanjing University Press, Apr 2015, 278 Pages , Published, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , WONG K.K. (25%) , CHIN H.Y. (25%) , 天空下的傳奇—從啟德到赤鱲角(History of Hong Kong International Airport) , Joint Publishing (HK) Ltd, Aug 2014, 540 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , LAI M.H. (50%) , 與香港藝術對話(A Dialogue with Hong Kong Art) , Joint Publishing (HK) Ltd, Jun 2014, 417 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , 危情百日:沙士中的廣華 (SARS and Kwong Wah Hospital) , Chung Hwa Book Company, Jul 2013, 230 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , 香港華人菁英的冒起( The rise of Chinese elites in Hong Kong) , Chung Hwa Book Company, Apr 2013, 237 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , 僑通天下 — 陳有慶傳 (A biography of Dr. Robin Chan [Mr. Bernard Chan's father]) , Chung Hwa Book Company, Dec 2012, 251 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (40%) , LIU Shuyong (40%) , SHUM Wai-chi (10%) , WONG Kwan-kin (10%) , 屯門 (History of Tuen Mun) , Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Company Ltd, Jul 2012, 171 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , 鄉城流轉 — 蒙敏生攝影集 (From village to city - old photos of MENG Minseng) , Chung Hwa Book Company, Jul 2012, 175 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , LIU S. (50%) , 侯寶璋家族史 - 增訂版  (A Family History of Prof. Hou Po Chang - revised and enlarged version) , Peace Book Company Limited, Jul 2012, 283 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , 香港早期華人菁英 (Chinese elites in the early years of Hong Kong) , Chung Hwa Book Company, Nov 2011, 181 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , 香港達德學院:中國知識份子的追求與命運 (A Study of Hong Kong Ta Teh Institute) , Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, Oct 2011, 250 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (33.3%) , HUANG L. (33.3%) , XUN X. (33.3%) , 中英街與沙頭角禁區(Chung Ying Street and the Sha Tou Kok restricted area) , Hong Kong: Peace Book Company, Jul 2011, 131 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , 我們都在蘇屋邨長大:-香港人公屋生活的集體回憶 (So Uk Estate: A Case Study of the History of Public Housing in Hong Kong) , Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, Jul 2010, 285 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LEE W.L. (50%) , LAU C.P. (50%) , 西學東漸第一人:利瑪竇在中國 (Matteo Ricci in China 1582-1610) , Hong Kong: Cosmos Book Company Ltd, Jul 2010, 248 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , 潮起潮落:中英街記憶 (Collected Memory of Chung Ying Street) , Hong Kong: Peace Book Company Ltd, Jul 2010, 225 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , 展拓界址:英治新界早期歷史探索(History of the New Territories: Documents and Essays) , Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, May 2010, 290 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , CHOW Ka Kin (50%) , 吞聲忍語:日治時期香港人的集體回憶 (Daily Life of Hong Kong during the Japanese Occupation) , Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Company, May 2009, 319 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , LIU Shuyong (50%) , 侯寶璋家族史 (A Family History of Prof. Hou Po Chang) , Hong Kong: Peace Book Company Ltd, May 2009, 171 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (50%) , LIU Shuyong (50%) , 新安縣志香港史料選 (Selected Source of Hong Kong from Xinan County Local Records) , Hong Kong: Peace Book Co. Ltd, Aug 2007, 200 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , 屯門風物志 (Heritage of Tuen Mun) , Hong Kong: Tuen Mun District Council, Jul 2007, 192 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed, (Third edition. First edition published in 2003.)


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , 屯門歷史與文化 (Tuen Mun: History and Culture) , Hong Kong: Tuen Mun District Council, Apr 2007, 180 Pages , Published, Non-Refereed


Book Chapters


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "History of the Hong Kong maritime industry before World War II", Maritime Business and Economics: Asian Perspectives, Dr. Okan Duru (ed.), pp. 203-217, London and New York: Routledge, 2018, Published, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "Shipping business strategies and development of the Hong Kong maritime industry", Maritime Business and Economics: Asian Perspectives, Dr. Okan Duru (ed.), pp. 218-236, London and New York: Routledge, 2018, Published, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , ""Qingchu qianjie yu Tunmen diqu de fazhan" 清初遷界與屯門地區的發展 (Early Qing coastal evacuation and the development of Tuen Mun)", Ming Qing xueshu yanjiu lunwenji 明清學術研究論集, Prof. C. Y. Sin (ed.), pp. 505-515, Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexu Chuban She 中國社會科學出版社, Jun 2009, Published, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , ""Fei Mi (1625-1701) yu Qingdai jingdian quanshi de lunzheng" 費密與清代經典詮釋的論爭 (Fei Mi and the controversy of the interpretation of Confucian Classics in the Qing period)", Cheng Kat-hung ed. Dongya shiyu zhong de jinshi ruxue wenxian yu sixiang 東亞視域中的近世儒學文獻與思想, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press (ed.), pp. 1-23, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, Jul 2005, Published, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (15%) , "Annals of Hong Kong 香港志", Qing History 清史, Prof. Dai Yi 戴逸教授 (ed.), The National Committee for the Compilation of Qing History 國家清史編纂委員會, forthcoming, Refereed


Creative and Literary works, Consulting Reports and Case Studies

"am730 "香港人香港史" (Hong Kong people Hong Kong history) columnist" , am730, Spring 2013, (I wrote a column on Hong Kong history for am730 from spring 2010 to spring 2013.)

Conference Proceedings

LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "人物志編纂的理論與實踐", Proceedings of the 「方志文獻的傳播與利用」國際學術研討會, 中國地方志指導小組/中國方志學會, Ningpo, China, pp. 1-5, Chung Wah Book Company, 2013, Refereed


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "纂修《香港通志》的理論與實踐Theory and Practice of the Compilation of Hong Kong Local Records", Proceedings of the 「方志學理論與戰後方志纂修實務」國際學術研討會International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Local Records in Post-War Era, Taiwan Historica, Nantou, Taiwan, pp. 233-251, Taiwan, Sep 2008, Refereed


Conference Papers

LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "建設香港方志館的構想", 第三屆中國方志學術年會暨兩岸四地方志文獻學術研討會, 中國地方志指導小組/中國方志學會, Dongguan, China , Oct 2013


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "Tuen Mun - A case study of community Involvement in heritage conservation", International Conference on Heritage Conservation 2011, Development Bureau, HKSAR Government, Hong Kong , Dec 2011


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "Importing Loyalty: Recruitment of Weihaiwei Police in Hong Kong, 1922-1949", Empire State of Mind: Articulations of British Culture in the Empire, 1707-1997, Lingnan University, Hong Kong , May 2011


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "The Name and Location of Tuen Mun", International Conference in Commemoration of the Centennial Birthday of the Late Professor Lo Hsiang-lin, HHU, HK Museum of History, Hong Kong, China , Nov 2006


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "The "Xiang Hai Ming Shan" Arch and the Chinese Gentry of Hong Kong", International Conference on the History and Culture of the British Concession in China During the Late Qing Dynasty, Wei Hai Records Bureau, Shandong University, Weihai, China , Oct 2006


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "The Ta Teh Institute: From Democrats to Counter-Revolutionaries", International Interdisciplinary Conference on "Lesson from History", CAPS, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China , Jun 2006


LAU Chi-pang (100%) , "Fei Mi and the Revolt against Cheng-Zhu Orthodoxy", International Conference on the Qing Episteme: Culture, Thought, and Society, National University of Singapore, Singapore , Jan 2006