Prof. Andrea Sauchelli

 Associate Professor Head of Department (Philosophy) Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Arts) Director (Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Centre)
Associate Professor
Head of Department (Philosophy)
Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Arts)
Director (Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Centre)


Areas of Interest

(i) Personal Identity and Applied Ethics (ii) Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art (iii) Philosophy and Ethics of (Existential and Catastrophic) Risk.


§  1999 – 2005: Laurea (equivalent to BA+MPhil) in Philosophy, University of Pisa, IT.

§  2005 – 2009: Ph.D. in Philosophy, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, IT.
(Dissertation: Possibility and Counterfactuals: Williamson’s Theory of Modality.)

§  Feb – Jun 2007: Visiting Student, University of Sheffield, UK.

§  Oct 2007 – Jan 2009: Visiting Student, University of Leeds, UK.



§  Sep 2009 – Dec 2010: Part-time Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

§  Jan 2010 – Aug 2011: Research Assistant, Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

§  Aug 2011 – Aug 2012: Full-time Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Yongin – Seoul, Republic of Korea.

§  Sep 2012 – Jul 2017: Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

§  Aug 2017 – present: Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.





§  Personal Identity and Applied Ethics (London and New York: Routledge, 2018).


Edited Book

§  Derek Parfit’s Reasons and Persons: An Introduction and Critical Inquiry (London and New York: Routledge, 2020).


Papers in Academic Journals

§  Concrete Possible Worlds and Counterfactual Conditionals: Lewis vs. Williamson on Modal Knowledge, Synthese, Vol.176, 3 (2010): 345–59.

§  (with Paisley Livingston) Philosophical Perspectives on Fictional Characters, New Literary History, 42, 2 (2011): 337–60.

§  Functional Beauty, Architecture, and Morality, The Philosophical Quarterly, 62, 246 (2012): 128–47.

§  Modal Scepticism, Unqualified Modality, and Modal Kinds, Philosophia, 40 (2012): 403–9.

§  The Structure and Content of Architectural Experience, Estetika, 49, 1 (2012): 26–44.

§  Fictional Objects, Non-Existence, and the Principle of Characterization, Philosophical Studies, 159, 1 (2012): 139–46.

§  Ethicism and Immoral Cognitivism: Gaut vs. Kieran on Art and Morality, Journal of Aesthetic Education, 46, 3 (2012): 107–18.

§  On Architecture as a Spatial Art, Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 43 (2012).

§  Functional Beauty, Perception, and Aesthetic Judgements, British Journal of Aesthetics, 53, 1 (2013): 41–53.

§  Ontology, Reference, and the Qua Problem: Amie Thomasson on Existence, Axiomathes, 23, 3 (2013): 543–50.

§  Modal Fictionalism, Possible Worlds, and Artificiality, Acta Analytica, 28, 4 (2013): 411–21.

§  The Merited Response Argument and Artistic Categories, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 71, 3 (2013): 239–46.

§  Life-extension and the Burden of Mortality: Leon Kass versus John Harris, Journal of Medical Ethics, 40 (2014): 336–40.

§  Horror and Mood, American Philosophical Quarterly, 51, 1 (2014): 39–50.

§  Sibley on ‘Beautiful’ and ‘Ugly’, Philosophical Papers, 43, 3 (2014): 377–404.

§  Gendler on the Puzzle(s) of Imaginative Resistance, Acta Analytica, 31, 1 (2016): 1–9.

§  The Definition of Religion, Super-empirical Realities, and Mathematics, Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, 58, 1 (2016): 67–75.

§  The Acquaintance Principle, Aesthetic Judgments, and Conceptual Art, Journal of Aesthetic Education 50, 1 (2016): 1–15.

§  Buddhist Reductionism, Fictionalism About the Self, and Buddhist Fictionalism, Philosophy East and West, 66, 4 (2016): 1273–91.

§  The Animal, the Corpse, and the Remnant-Person, Philosophical Studies, 174, 1 (2017): 205–18.

§  The Early Reception of Bernard Williams’ Reduplication Argument (1956-62), Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 99, 3 (2017): 326–45.

§  The Future-Like-Ours Argument, Animalism, and Mereological Universalism, Bioethics, 32, 3 (2018): 199–204.

§  Life-extending Enhancements and the Narrative Approach to Personal Identity, Journal of Medical Ethics, 44 (2018): 219–25.

§  The Will to Make-Believe: Religious Fictionalism, Religious Beliefs, and the Value of Art, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 96, 3 (2018): 620-35.

§  On the Study of Imaginative Resistance, Analytic Philosophy 60, 2 (2019): 164-78.

§  Animalism, Abortion, and a Future Like Ours, Journal of Ethics 23, 3 ​(2019): 317-22.

§  Personal Identity and Trivial Survival, Theoria 85, 5 (2019): 402–11.

§  Aesthetic Realism and Manifest Properties, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (2022): 201–13.

§  Centred Worlds, Personal Identity and Imagination, Theoria 88, 4 (2022): 868–80.

§  What is an Aesthetic Concept? Asian Journal of Philosophy 1, 35 (2022): 1-17.

§  Metaphysical Egoism and Personal Identity, Journal of Value Inquiry 56 (2022): 587–99.

§  Pretending and Disbelieving, Inquiry 67, 6 (2024): 1991-2004.

§  Aesthetic Testimony and Aesthetic Concepts, American Philosophical Quarterly 61, 1 (2024): 59–72.

§  In Defence of the Acquaintance Principle in Aesthetics, Episteme (Forthcoming).

§  Life-Suspending Technologies, Cryonics, and Catastrophic Risks, Science and Engineering Ethics (Forthcoming).


Book Chapters

§  Aesthetic Value, Artistic Value, and Morality, in David Coady, Kimberley Brownlee, and Kasper Lipper-Rasmussen (eds.) Blackwell Companion to Applied Philosophy (Blackwell, 2016), 514–26.

§  The Simplicity of the Simple Approach to Personal Identity, in Pisa Colloquium in Logic, Language and Epistemology, Vol. 3 (Pisa: ETS, 2019): 347–58.

§  Introduction, in Derek Parfit’s Reasons and Persons: An Introduction and Critical Inquiry (2020): 1–9.

§  Introduction to Part III (Personal Identity), in Derek Parfit’s Reasons and Persons: An Introduction and Critical Inquiry (2020): 48–67


Bibliographies ​& Surveys

§  Art and Morality, in Duncan Pritchard (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies Online. New York: Oxford University Press (2013).

§  La Critica Etica dell’Arte, Aphex, 8 (2013) [‘The Ethical Criticism of Art’].


Other (blog posts, etc)

§  Imagining Being Someone Else, The Junkyard (2019).


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PhilPapers Profile:

Lingnan Scholars Profile: