Subsite Background

Dr. Stan HO

Dr. Stan HO Ho Ming



Dr. Stan Ho is a seasoned investment banking and credit rating expert, having held senior management positions at global and China credit rating agencies with solid experience in China credit rating and capital market transactions, green finance and ESG rating, including CS First Boston, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Fitch Ratings and Lianhe Ratings Global between 1996 and 2023.


Stan has solid and direct green finance and certification experience. Stan is the Chief Representative of Syntao Green Finance International Ltd. Stan is the Green Finance Certification Scheme Technical Committee Member of Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA). Stan is the Senior Advisor of the Capacity-building Alliance of Sustainable Investment (CASI). Stan is EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA®) Examiner and the Senior Academic Advisor for Sustainable Finance Research Hub (SFRH) set up by EFFAS to promote EFFAS qualifications in the Asia Pacific Region.


Stan is the Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), the Adjunct Professor (EMBA) of the College of Business at City University of Hong Kong (CityU), the Adjunct Professor of the School of Business at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), and the Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Business and the Professor of Practice (MIBF) of the Department of Economics at Lingnan University (LU). Stan is the Faculty Associate of HKUST Institute of Emerging Market Studies. Stan is the EF Department Advisory Committee Member at CityU and the School of Business Advisory Committee Member at HKBU. Stan is the University Fixed Income Investment Working Group Member, the University Career Development Committee Advisor and the Business Studies Advisory Board Member at LU. Stan is the Advisory Council Member of Harvard Business Review (HBR) and the Global Insights Panel Member of MIT Technology Review.


Stan graduated with BBA in Information Systems from HKUST, MBA from University of Cambridge, and DBA from CityU. Stan is awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award by CityU College of Business in 2022. Stan is EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA®) and SGS ESG Reporting Analyst.