Aims and Objectives

The SEA programme is developed in response to the emerging market demand for sustainability, the implementation of the United Nations SDGs, and ESG, and the interdisciplinary strengths of LU. The aim of this programme is to train competent, competitive graduates that meets future industry needs, while also prioritizing sustainable growth. There is an increasing interest in using data analytics to assist sustainable transformation and achieve the SDGs. Students who graduate from this programme will have the soft skills to identify and define social problems, while having the technical skills of data analytics to develop innovative solutions that address both environmental and social challenges.


The aims of the programme are to:

  • Equip students with current knowledge on sustainable development, environmental science, and data analytics;
  • Introduce students to the concepts of sustainability and environmental management from a science perspective;
  • Develop students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers who can use data analytics to identify and develop innovative solutions to environmental, economic, and social problems; and
  • Develop students with data literacy and the capacity for critical inquiry to promote sustainability in the era of modern technology and big data.