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Online Professional Talk on Reimagine Supply Chain

December 10, 2020




Mr. Andrew Ling, Director of Value Advisory of SAP HK, was invited to deliver an online professional talk to our SDS students on 23 November.

Before joining SAP, Andrew had 29 years of IT experience in Garment Manufacturing, Supply Chain, and Warehouse & Logistic. Formerly, Andrew served at CIO role for more than 16 years in High Fashion Group, Esquel Group, Bossini Group and at senior IT role in Prada, Marks and Spencer, Netstar Group (a subsidiary of Baring Asia Private Equity). He is the advisor to management board of Opencerthub and the Executive Member of IoT Advisory Board in GS1. He has been long years as the Assessor of Hong Kong ICT Awards in various categories such as IoT, smart mobility, smart transportation, and smart tourism.

Through the insightful sharing by Andrew, our students gained a deeper understanding of the new challenges for supply chain, such as Covid-19, medical and consumer shortage, distribution disruption, and trade war.  Key elements for new supply chain and the relevant digital solutions were introduced to students.  Students found the sharing informative and practical.