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Professional Talk on Data-driven Futures – Examining Emerging Trends in Analytics and Insights

On February 8th, 2024, Miss Anson Chan, a customer advisory and solution consultant at SAS Institute, along with Dr. Titania Kwan, a data expert and SAS certified trainer, were invited to deliver a professional lecture on data analysis for students of the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics (MScAIBA) programme at Lingnan University.

In the first part of the professional talk, Miss Anson Chan discussed the latest trends in data analysis technology, drawing upon her over 6 years of experience in SAS project consulting, across financial services, insurance, and government sectors. She provided a brief overview of SAS models, emphasizing SAS’s potential to drive progress in both business and society. Additionally, she engaged with students in a discussion on the significance of applying analytical methods in business contexts, highlighting the critical role of data analysis in aiding decision-making and optimizing business processes.

The second part of the professional talk was presented by the experienced data expert Dr. Titania Kwan, who has over 30 years of experience holding senior positions in various industries such as telecommunications, multinational data analysis, and software solutions. Dr. Titania Kwan shared personal case studies to illustrate the technical skills, business insights, and communication abilities required to excel as a data analyst. Furthermore, she introduced students to the popular data analysis and statistical software, SAS, showcasing its robust data processing and modeling capabilities, widely applicable across different domains.

This professional talk provided valuable insights into big data and business analytics, eliciting a strong interest among the students. We sincerely appreciate Miss Anson Chan and Dr. Titania Kwan for conducting this lecture for the MScAIBA students, and we believe that the knowledge imparted will benefit their future career paths and business decision-making endeavors.