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Visit to Geospatial Lab

On 15 April 2024, students were invited to visit the Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) established by the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government.

This event aimed to encourage students to understand how the application of spatial data and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can drive the development of smart cities.


Students began with an introduction to the GeoLab, learning about its establishment and research directions. Researchers then introduced the concepts of spatial data and GIS through detailed cases and illustrations, deepening students' understanding of GIS applications.


During an interactive workshop, students engaged in a hands-on GIS project aimed at evaluating the service area of recreational parks accessible to the elderly. By overlaying different map layers, including residential buildings and surrounding amenities, students learned to use GIS for data analysis and problem-solving.


Students found the visit a valuable experience, enhancing their understanding of GIS technology and increasing their confidence in the lab's research and future developments.