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岭大举办「高等教育研究国际会议(香港– 2023)」圆满结束



香港岭南大学成功完成为期两天的「高等教育研究国际会议(香港– 2023)」,吸引了来自12个地区的180多名参与者。本次研讨会以「可持续发展的教育:引领高等教育变革之路」为主题, 汇聚了来自世界各地的学者、政策制定者和实践者,共同探讨促进可持续教育的最新趋势和挑战。






此外,香港教育大学的麦博思教授主持了以「可持续发展教育:东西方对话」的圆桌讨论,台湾国立政治大学的侯永琪教授、伦敦大学学院的Tristan McCowan教授、香港都会大学的李锦昌博士、香港恒生大学的杨如虹女士以及岭南大学的王沛欣教授分享了宝贵的见解和反思。随后,来自芬兰于韦斯屈莱大学的Kristóf Fenyvesi教授则发表了题为「可持续发展教育:引领芬兰高等教育变革的未来」的主题演讲,阐述了芬兰大学在应对全球可持续发展的过程中所扮演的多面角色。


会议的第二天以多个平行分组讨论继续,主题涵盖「创新高等教育课程与教学法」和「高等教育国际化:研究影响与学生心声」。随后,来自杜伦大学的Catherine Montgomery教授以「驾驭不断变化的高等教育知识版图:人工智能的机遇和挑战」为题进行线上演讲。最后,由岭南大学副校长莫家豪教授进行闭幕致辞,总结了富有影响力的讨论,并强调了岭南大学在推动高等教育研究和创新方面的承诺。


「高等教育研究国际会议(香港– 2023)」的成功凸显了全球合作在塑造高等教育未来、促进可持续发展以及应对不断变化的教育格局方面的重要性。岭南大学期待未来的高等教育研究国际会议作为在高等教育研究领域持续对话和进步的平台。




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prof 1

Prof. Tristan MCCOWAN

Tristan MCCOWAN 教授


Professor Tristan MCCOWAN from University College London reflected on the nature and future of higher education. He acknowledged the diverse functions and relationships within higher education and emphasized the importance of promoting sustainability in the field. Moreover, Professor McCowan stressed the need for a holistic approach to sustainability in higher education that encompasses multiple dimensions such as social, economic, and environmental aspects. He highlighted the role of educational institutions in shaping sustainable development and called for the integration of sustainability practices into all aspects of higher education. He also emphasized the need for higher education to be responsive to the changing needs of society and to foster critical thinking and innovation in promoting sustainability. Professor McCowan concluded his speech with the idea that"small is beautiful", indicating that no matter what the scale is, focusing on sustainability in higher education is crucial for achieving sustainable development.


伦敦大学学院Tristan M cCowan 教授在演讲中反思了高等教育的性质和未来。他承认高等教育内存在多样的功能和关系,详细阐述在这个领域推动可持续性的重要性 此外, M cCowan 教授强调高等教育需要一种全面的可持续性方法,包括社会、经济和环境等多个方面。他强调教育机构在塑造可持续发展中的作用,呼吁将可持续性实践纳入高等教育的各个方面。此外,他还强调高等教育需要对社会不断变化的需求作出反应,并促进批判性思维和创新 以推动可持续性。最后, McCowan 教授以 小即是美 的观点总结了他的演讲,表明无论规模如何,专注于高等教育的可持续性对实现可持续发展至关重要。    

prof 2

Dr. Kristóf FENYVESI

Kristóf Fenyvesi博士


During his keynote, Dr. Kristóf FENYVESI shared insightful information about the ongoing transformation of Finland's higher education system, which is aimed at promoting sustainability in response to the global imperative. He highlighted the organizational shifts that have taken place in Finland and how sustainability has been embedded into academic curricula, research agendas, and higher education programs. Dr. Fenyvesi emphasized that sustainability in higher education should be integrated into every level of the education system to achieve sustainable development goals. Additionally, Dr. Fenyvesi emphasized the need for a collaborative approach in promoting sustainability in higher education. He encouraged universities to partner with relevant stakeholders such as government agencies, industry players, and civil society organizations to achieve sustainable development goals. He also emphasized the role of technology and innovation in driving sustainability in higher education, calling for the adoption of innovative technologies and practices that can enhance sustainability in the education sector.


芬兰学者Kristóf Fenyvesi 博士分享了有关芬兰高等教育系统正在进行变革的深入见解 旨在应对全球的迫切可持续性发展。他强调了在芬兰发生的组织变革,推动可持续性纳入学术课程、研究议程和高等教育项目。 Fenyvesi 博士强调,高等教育中的可持续性应该融入教育体系的每个层面,以实现可持续发展目标。此外, Fenyvesi 博士强调了在促进高等教育可持续性方面需要采取协作方法。他鼓励大学与相关利益方合作,如政府机构、行业参与者和民间社会组织等,以实现可持续发展目标。他还强调了技术和创新在推动高等教育可持续性方面的作用,呼吁采用创新技术和实践,以增强教育部门的可持续性  

Prof 3

Prof. Ruth HAYHOE



Professor Ruth HAYHOE from the University of Toronto, shared insights on cross-cultural collaboration between China and the West in past centuries. Professor Hayhoe started with Xu Guangqi and Matteo Ricci's collaboration in the early 17th century and moved on to Ma Xiangbo in the early 20th century and visionary scholars such as Zhang Kaiyuan, Ma Min, and Xu Yihua in the early 21st century. The conference highlighted the importance of embracing different approaches and concepts to achieve a complementary balance, which is an essential aspect of sustainability for education. By understanding and incorporating diverse perspectives and educational traditions, we can promote equitable and sustainable education for all. Moreover, the need for continuous efforts to bring a complementary balance to dominant approaches and concepts associated with Western university traditions is a crucial aspect of sustainable education.


多伦多大学的Ruth Hayhoe 教授分享了中西文化在过去几个世纪间跨文化合作的见解。 Hayhoe 教授从17 世纪初徐光启利玛窦的合作开始,转向20 世纪初的马相伯,以及21 世纪初的章开沅、马敏和徐以骅开创性的学者。她的演讲强调了接受不同方法和概念以实现互补平衡的重要性,这是教育可持续性的必要方面。通过理解和融合不同的观点和教育传统,我们可以促进平等和可持续的教育。最后 持续努力实现对西方大学传统相关方法和概念的互补平衡,是实现可持续发展目标的关键。  

prof 4

Prof. Catherine MONTGOMERY

Catherine MONTGOMERY教授


Professor Catherine Montgomery of Durham University introduced her latest project, which employs Artificial Intelligence (AI) to access, amalgamate, and explore novel avenues of globalized knowledge. She emphasized the rapid advancements of AI and its potential to extract information from digital archives, consolidate research , and generate summaries and outcomes. Professor Montgomery illustrated how AI can retrieve previously overlooked knowledge, using EThOS, the British national open access thesis platform that seeks to enhance the visibility and accessibility of UK doctoral research theses, within a brief span of time. Professor Montgomery's initiative showcases that AI not only facilitates physical mobility but also knowledge mobility by retrieving formerly marginalized knowledge from digital archives. While her project model will expand to other language of open access thesis library soon, this underscores the potential influence of AI in promoting internationalization in higher education and reducing obstacles to equitable access to knowledge beyond geographical boundaries.


杜伦大学Catherine M ontgomery 教授介绍了她的最新项目,该项目利用人工智能 AI )来访问、整合和探索全球化知识的新途径。她强调了A I 的迅速发展及其从数字档案中提取信息、整合研究并生成摘要和成果的潜力。 M ontgomery 教授演示了A I 如何在短时间内使用EThOS (英国国家开放存取论文平台)检索先前被忽视的知识。 EThOS 旨在提高英国博士研究论文的可见性和可访问性。 M ontgomery 教授的这一项目展示了AI 不仅促进了身体上的流动,还通过从数字档案中检索以前被边缘化的知识,促进了知识的流动。的项目模型将很快扩展到其他语言的开放存取论文库,这凸显A I 在促进高等教育国际化以及减少超越地域界限以实现公平获取知识潜在影响。  


Roundtable discussion


The Roundtable discussion on the same day was chaired by Professor Bruce Macfarland from Education University of Hong Kong and included several distinguished speakers, such as Professor Tristan McCowan from University College London, Professor Angel Hou from National Chengchi University, Professor Li Kam-cheong from Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Professor Paulin Wong from Lingnan University, and Ms. Antonia Yeung from The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. The discussion centered on promoting sustainability in higher education, using a love story as an analogy. Participants engaged in a fruitful dialogue about the challenges of raising awareness among students about the importance of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how to inspire teaching staff to embrace sustainable practices in universities. The dialogue also included the sharing of best practices from both the East and West, with the hope of turning this love story into a reality.


当天的圆桌讨论由香港教育大学的Bruce Macfarlane 教授主持,并邀得多位知名学者参与讨论,如伦敦大学学院的Tristan M cCowan 教授、国立政治大学的侯永琪教授、香港都会大学的李锦昌教授、岭南大学的王沛欣教授和香港恒生大学的杨如虹女士。讨论的焦点围绕着如何以爱情的比喻来推动高等教育可持续发展参加者就如何提高学生对实现可持续发展目标( SDGs 重要性的认识以及如何激发教学人员工在大学中开展可持续实践的挑战 进行了富有成效的对话和交流 讨论内容还包括来自东西方的最佳实践分享,希望寄予这个爱故事化为现实。  




Asia research news

CHER 2023 Conference: Education for Sustainability and New Partnerships for APHERP



岭大举办「高等教育研究国际会议(香港- 2023) 」 探讨可持续发展教育-欢迎新合作伙伴加盟亚太高等教育研究联盟(APHERP)  



岭大举办「高等教育研究国际会议(香港- 2023)」 探讨可持续发展教育











