Minor in Creative Technologies in Music and Community

Minor in Creative Technologies in Music and Community


Aiming to redefine the boundaries between music, technology, and social engagement, this Minor introduces students to the interdisciplinary approach of combining creative technologies with music to address community needs. It focuses on nurturing critical thinkers and innovative creators who can translate complex data and societal issues into compelling musical compositions. This program enhances students' technical skills, artistic sensibilities, and societal awareness, preparing them for meaningful contributions to the arts and their communities.


All undergraduate students may qualify for a Minor in Creative Technologies in Music and Community after successful completion of two required courses (6 credits) and three elective courses (9 credits) as detailed below.


Required courses (6 credits):  
CLA9024 Creative Expression with Music^  
CLA9032 Harmonising Data: GenAI Music Creation for Public Engagement1^  


Elective courses (9 credits):

CLA9023 Creativity in Western Classical Music ^  

CLA9029 Creative Movement and Dance ^  

CLA9030 The World of Cultural Dances in Hong Kong^  

CLB9022 Music and World Cultures^  
CLD9016 Music and the Science of Sound^  

CLB9033 Introduction to Musics of the World and Sustainability^  

CLB9034 Music Across the Generations: Western Popular Music in the Post-World War II Period^  

MPA2002 Musicality and Well-being

MPA3102 Instrumental Ensemble (Year-Based) *#

MPA3103 Choral Ensemble (Year-Based) *

MPA3001 Musical Expression in Film and Theatre # 
MPA4001 Internship in Performing Arts Administration  

SCE3004 Applied Sports Science

ADA3002 Concepts of Expanded Reality

PHI2118 Philosophical Introduction to Artificial Intelligence  

CLD9020 Artificial Intelligence and Society ^

PSY3103 Psychology of Human Performance and Technology

CDS1001 Introduction to Programming for Data Science


# courses with Service-Learning component

courses can be enrolled repeatedly up to 4 times. However only 1 time, i.e. 3 credits can be counted for the fulfilment of this Minor Programme.  

^ According to the Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes, at most two cluster courses can be double counted to fulfil both the requirement of the Core Curriculum and the requirement of any Minor programme.