AI Music Seminar – An Overview of Music AI



Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology excels in information mining, modelling, and generating content from vast amounts of data. This characteristic of AI applies to music data as well. As a result, Music AI is transforming contemporary music by influencing audience behaviour, music production tools, and music research methodology. In this presentation, we will introduce emerging topics in Music AI, including music generation, automatic music transcription, machine appreciation, virtual musicians, computational musicology, and more. Through these discussions, we aim to foster a profound dialogue between technology and the humanities in the context of music. 


Zoom details: Meeting ID: 97761376863 Passcode: cfci1127



Date: 27 Nov 2023

Time: 16:30-18:00

Venue: Zoom, online conference

Speaker:  Dr. SU Li

Moderator: Prof. LI Yu-chieh

Language: Putonghua





Dr. SU Li 
(Ph.D. of the Graduated Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University) 

Su Li holds a Ph.D. from the Graduated Institute of Communication Engineering at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. He has been an Assistant Research Fellow at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, since 2017. In 2021, he was promoted to the position of Associate Research Fellow. His research interests span across artificial intelligence, multimedia technology, and musicology. He has been honoured with the Best Paper Award at the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) conference, and has received a nomination for the Best Paper Award at the ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM). Additionally, he was invited to serve as a panellist for the 29th Golden Melody Awards International Music Festival Forum. Su has collaborated on several music performance, including “Rising of the New Sound” (performed at the National Concert Hallin 2017) and “Whispers of the Night” (performed at the Kaohsiung Wei-Wu-Ying Concert Hallin 2019).