Subsite Background

Faculty & Department Activities


Picture of Social Sciences Faculty Retreat 2022
Picture of Social Sciences Faculty Retreat 2022

The Social Sciences Faculty and Departments of Psychology, Economics, Government and International Affairs, and Sociology & Social Policy had their annual Faculty Retreat at the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel on 17 June 2022. The BSocSc Programme Director, Prof. Stefan KÜHNER, led the discussion about the Programme's development and strategies, as well as the feedback from the External Academic Advisers. The Retreat did not only nurture a collegiality culture but also instilled a sense of collaboration and ownership of the Programme.



Picture of Career Enhancement Programme 2022


The Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences organised the Career Enhancement Programme for Social Sciences Students on 30 May 2022, which aimed to guide our BSocSc students to recognise their skills and enhance their employability. Five BSocSc alumni working in education, research, and the public sector were invited to share their job-hunting stories and work experiences with participants. In the roundtable dialogue, the alumni provided professional advice on career planning and transitioning from university to work. Over 40 students gained insights about the importance of self-presentation, skills development and recognition for their future career paths.


ECON 25th Anniversary cum MIBF 15th Anniversary Banquet held on 18 December 2021

Picture of Economics 25 Anniversary cum MIBF 15 Anniversary Banquet


The year 2021 marks the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Economics and the 15th Anniversary of the launch of the MIBF programme. A banquet was hosted on 18 December 2021 at Happy Valley Racecourse to celebrate this special occasion. Mr. KWOK Kowk-chuen, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Academy of Finance, and Prof. Edward CHEN Kwan-yiu, former President of Lingnan University, attended as the guests of honour and speakers. The President, Vice-President and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Prof. Larry Qiu, Head of the Economics Department and MIBF Director, and Prof. WEI Xiangdong, Founding Director of the MIBF programme, delivered welcoming remarks at the Banquet Former Vice-President and Emeritus Professor of Economics, currently Mexican Ambassador to China, Prof. SEADE Jesús, sent his video greetings from Beijing, China. About 200 guests, including delegates from various overseas diplomatic and commercial bodies, representatives from other universities, colleagues from various departments of the University, alumni and current students from different programmes under the Department of Economics, shared the joy and enjoyed a fruitful and happy evening.



Meetings with ECON / IEP / SPPS Students

A Zoom meeting welcoming new and returning students was held successfully on 2 September 2021. Over thirty staff and students from Economics, IEP, and SPPS joined the forum. Major students in Economics who attended the meetings received a free economics polo shirt and windbreaker.



Graduation Photo Studio for ECON/MIBF/MIDE Graduates on 25 November 2021


Picture of Graduation Photo


The Department organised a Graduation Photo Studio and Graduation Dinner for Economics, MIBF and MIDE graduates at the Congregation on 25 November 2021, with more than 60 staff and graduates joining the event at Hong Kong Gold Coast Yacht and Country Club.


MOU Ceremony Sungkyunkwan University


Picture of the MOU Ceremony Sungkyunkwan University


The Department of Psychology (formerly known as the Department of Applied Psychology), Lingnan University (LU) and the Department of Psychology, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 25 January 2022 to deepen academic, educational, and cultural exchange between the two departments.



Brown Bag Seminar Series


Picture of the Brown Bag Seminar Series


From October 2021 to June 2022, 12 brown bag seminars were successfully held, which allowed colleagues and RPg students to share their research ideas.



SYSU-LU Seminar Series

In the Sun Yat-sen University-Lingnan University Seminar Series, Prof. HUANG Yi delivered a talk on the characteristics and mechanisms of learning and decision-making in older adults via Zoom on 28 February 2022.


Prof. YIN Lijun from SYSU delivered a talk on individual differences in honesty via Zoom on 7 June 2022.



SKKU-LU Joint Seminar Series

In the Sungkyunkwan University-Lingnan University Joint Seminar Series, Prof. LEE Alan Lap Fai delivered a talk on the integration process underlying visual confidence judgements via Zoom on 29 April 2022.


Prof. PARK Hyung In from SKKU delivered a talk on improving performance and well-being in various contexts via Zoom on 6 May 2022.