Subsite Background


Summer Internship in AY2021-22


Department of Sociology and Social Policy

Picture of Summer Internship of the Department of Sociology and Social Policy


The Department of Sociology and Social Policy students actively engaged in the 2021-22 AY summer internship.


A total of 10 students joined the internships provided by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Oxfam, and the Concern for Grassroots’ Livelihood Alliance. In addition, three students were recruited as interns separately at 3Circles VR Learning Solutions, 2BeGuru Company Limited, and Lime Knowledge Technology Asia.

Department of Economics


The 2-month (June – July 2022) internship includes practical job assignments and on-the-job training. Three SocSc students, Ms. CHEUNG Yi (SPPS, Third Year), Ms. SO Hoi Ching (ECON, Third Year) and Ms. WANG Hairuo (ECON, Fourth Year), were recruited as research interns in the summer of 2022. They worked on some ongoing research projects where their duties included conducting literature reviews, collecting qualitative data, and performing qualitative and quantitative data analyses.

HSM4002 Health and Social Service Project


Twenty-two students from the course HSM4002 Health and Social Service Project served as interns at service and social care institutions or social enterprises in AY2021-22. Each student had an academic and agency supervisor to monitor their learning progress. Positive feedback was received from the students and the agencies involved in this course. 


Students' comments:


  • “This subject gave me a very realistic experience in delivering a service. It helped me become a  responsible worker even though I am still an undergraduate student.”

  • “A valuable experience getting in touch with the community and service users.”