Air Pollution Monitoring and Reporting in Mainland China

Air Pollution Monitoring and Reporting in Mainland China



Project Description

This project focuses on real-time monitoring of air quality at urban sites across Mainland China and investigating anomalous air pollution events. Utilizing real-time national urban and site air quality data from the China National Environmental Monitoring Centre (, we will identify abnormal air pollution patterns, collaborate with nearby enterprises to investigate the causes of these anomalies and track their responses and actions. Our goal is to promote transparency in environmental information and contribute to the improvement of air quality management and environmental protection measures in the region. This project will provide an indicator about the corporate awareness of and responsibility towards addressing public concerns about environmental issues, providing valuable insights for broader environmental and economic policies.


本项目旨在监测中国大陆城市的实时站点空气质量,并对异常的空气污染情况进行调查和披露。基于中国国家环境监测中心的实时全国城市及站点空气质量发布 (,我们会识别空气污染的异常模式,并与附近的企业合作、寻求反馈,调查导致污染指数异常的原因。我们致力于推动环境信息的透明化,通过与企业、政府机构和公众共享信息,进而为改善本地区的空气质量管理和环境保护措施做出贡献。本项目将生成反馈指数,以反映企业对于公众健康和环境问题的关注度和责任心,为更广泛的环境和经济政策制定提供参考。



  • Monitor real-time air quality: Utilize data from the China National Environmental Monitoring Centre.

  • Identify abnormal pollution events: Detect and report unusual air pollution patterns.

  • Engage with enterprises: Collaborate with nearby enterprises to investigate the causes of pollution anomalies.

  • Promote transparency: Document and share responses and findings with the public and government bodies.

  • Improve air quality management: Contribute to the enhancement of air quality management and environmental protection practices.

  • Provide policy insights: Generate data that can inform broader environmental and economic policies.


-     监测实时空气质量: 使用中国国家环境监测中心的数据。

-     识别异常污染事件: 发现并报告异常的空气污染模式。

-     与企业合作: 与附近的企业合作,探讨污染异常的原因。

-     公开透明: 记录并与公众及政府部门共享回应和发现。

-     改善空气质量管理: 为提升空气质量管理和环境保护措施做出贡献。

-     提供有价值的见解: 生成数据,为更广泛的环境和经济政策提供依据。


Expected Outcomes

  • Enhanced understanding of air pollution patterns in Mainland China.

  • Increased public awareness of air quality issues.

  • Improved collaboration between enterprises and environmental monitoring bodies.

  • Contribution to policy-making and regulatory frameworks for better air quality management.

  • Informed environmental and economic policies based on robust data analysis.


-     提高对中国大陆空气污染模式的理解。

-     增强公众对空气质量问题的认识。

-     促进企业与环境监测机构之间的合作。

-     为更好的空气质量管理政策和监管框架做出贡献。

-     基于数据分析,为环境和经济政策提供依据。