Sustainable Cities and Communities

There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

Over the years, Lingnan students and scholars have emphasised the need to build a sustainable society and community by learning activities and research addressing key issues concerning quality of life. We also offer courses and postgraduate programmes that directly answer to the requirements and elements of a sustainable, smart city.

Lingnan University SDG Report

Supporting arts and heritage by strengthening and providing access to local cultural and Heritage - Lingnan Arts Biennale 2021

Since 2011, the Lingnan Arts Festival has invoked the spirit of the liberal arts, introducing various art forms to enrich the cultural well-being of students, alumni, and staff, as well as the general public.

Exploring and Trekking Hong Kong Historic Cinema Districts

Affiliated with the Department of Visual Studies, the Centre for Film and Creative Industries is devoted to research on creative and media industries, film history, and visual art.

Public talk focusing on Chinese Language and tradition - Lingnan Chinese Culture Programme

The Department of Chinese and the Lingnan Chinese Culture Programme is dedicated to promoting Chinese culture, language and heritage to a wider audience.

New Concentration “Environment and Sustainability”

Concentration on Environment and Sustainability under the Master of Cities and Governance focuses on sustainability and emerging environmental problems, highlighting the unfolding topic on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concepts and planning.

Re:Imagine NTW weekend market showcases LU students’ new ideas for the community

To promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the New Territories West, the Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative (LEI) of Lingnan University held the Re:Imagine NTW Weekend Market at the Gold Coast in Tuen Mun on 13 June hosting some 500 participants from the public.

Air-Purifier Machine for Sub-divided Households

Using academic knowledge, simple technology and creativity, Lingnan students designed a low-cost air purifier to improve the living standards and environment of the underprivileged and the needy.

Joint Humanitarian Entrepreneurship Summer Academy 2021 to Achieve SDG Virtually

The programme organised by Office of Service-Learning and Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative gathered students from 13 different countries spreading over 4 continents to address challenges of economic and environmental sustainability.

Master of Cities and Governance

The programme aims to equip students with the type of practical skills and understandings required to tackle the huge challenges facing today’s mega-cities and regions.

LU survey confirms age-friendly environment critical to productive engagement of older adults

A recent survey conducted by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) confirmed that an age-friendly city framework would help to promote the productive engagement of older adults in Hong Kong.

Autonomous UV-C disinfection robot providing effective and efficient sanitisation

The autonomous UV-C disinfection robot provides 360-degree coverage with ultraviolet rays, and sanitises every corner of a designated venue, preventing the spread of pathogens through the air and on surfaces.