Climate Action

Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

Climate change and pollution directly affect the health and well-being of every member of society as well as our planet - not only mankind but animals and plants too. Research at Lingnan, in particular by the Science Unit, seeks the best solutions to problems arising from climate change and pollution.

Lingnan University SDG Report

New Practicum Course on Environment and Sustainability

In collaboration with renowned NGOs and industry partners, the internship course helps students gain an understanding of “real-world” workplace dynamics by providing them with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in the context of environment and sustainability through a formal internship with a local partner.

Term-based ILP Event Series in Science, Society and Sustainability

This series aims at introducing Lingnan community to science, sustainability and environmental issues through seminars and workshops. By exposing students to real-life societal and global cases, students will be challenged to live an environmental-friendlier lifestyle, think and act responsibly for a sustainable future.

Cross-institutional Collaboration on Sustainable Development under the Hong Kong Sustainable Campus Consortium

The consortium was formed in 2010 as a joint effort of the tertiary education sector to encourage and promote the ongoing efforts of the member universities in the development and implementation of sustainability solutions through research and teaching, campus policies and operations, local and international outreach, and knowledge exchange.

Joint-university project: Sustainability Education Inventory

This inventory of sustainability coursework is developed in 2022 to ensure that 100% of our students are exposed to sustainability ideas, concepts, and skill-building, which are emerging topics worldwide nowadays.

Science research in biodiversity and environmental conservation

Lingnan has been conducting research and knowledge transfer projects related to environmental conservation with support from the governmental funding from the AFCD, CEDD, ECF and LCF etc. These projects help enhance public awareness of climate change and its impact to the environment and society.

New Concentration “Environment and Sustainability”

Concentration on Environment and Sustainability under the Master of Cities and Governance focuses on sustainability and emerging environmental problems, highlighting the unfolding topic on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concepts and planning.

Joint Humanitarian Entrepreneurship Summer Academy 2021 to Achieve SDG Virtually

The programme organised by Office of Service-Learning and Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative gathered students from 13 different countries spreading over 4 continents to address challenges of economic and environmental sustainability.

Minor in Environmental and Scientific Literacy

This minor course focuses on the development of “science literacy” as a lifelong skill that can be applied to a variety of scientific and technological issues, rather than the mastery of content knowledge in a specific scientific discipline.