Decent Work and Economic Growth

Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

Lingnan University believes employees’ well-being, health and work-life balance are just as important as economic benefits, and is therefore conducting research and studies to address labour issues from psychological health to working conditions.

Lingnan University SDG Report

Lingnan University Equal Opportunities Policy

The University is dedicated to promoting equal opportunity awareness on campus through publicity, activities, events, workshops, seminars and talks.

Re:Imagine NTW weekend market showcases LU students’ new ideas for the community

To promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the New Territories West, the Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative (LEI) of Lingnan University held the Re:Imagine NTW Weekend Market at the Gold Coast in Tuen Mun on 13 June hosting some 500 participants from the public.

Joint Humanitarian Entrepreneurship Summer Academy 2021 to Achieve SDG Virtually

The programme organised by Office of Service-Learning and Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative gathered students from 13 different countries spreading over 4 continents to address challenges of economic and environmental sustainability.

From Foxconn to Tin Shui Wai: Prof Pun Ngai tackles social and labour problems with research

An internationally renowned scholar of labour issues in China, Prof Pun Ngai was the first Asian scholar to win the prestigious C. Wright Mills Award. Recently, she led a group of students to Tin Shui Wai to look at the difficulties and challenges of job-hunting and unemployment for young people.

Social cohesion and welfare reforms : the Chinese approach

This chapter examines the Chinese government’s management of the unintended consequences of the rapid economic growth and modernisation in the last four decades through social policy expansion and social service reforms for enhancing social harmony and cohesion.

Application of occupational health psychology theories and evidence-based interventions to reduce work stress and improve workplace safety

Since 2014, researchers from LU’s Department of Applied Psychology have used occupational health psychology theories and practices to conduct empirical research to reduce stress caused by work and improve safety in Hong Kong.

Lingnan study finds employees with proactive personality foster higher job performance in times of adversity

A survey of healthcare professionals in Wuhan during the COVID-19 lockdown conducted by the LU finds that individual employees with proactive personality do well in the face of challenging circumstances.

Study reveals student interns and employers prefer face-to-face interaction to work-from-home internships

This study shows that both undergraduate students and community partner organisations generally prefer face-to-face interaction to the working-and-learning-from-home mode of internships.

A Political Economy of In-work Benefits in Hong Kong

The thesis reveals that labour market failure, the threat of closing the welfare-wage gap, budgetary surplus, business’ endorsement, and the introduction of a poverty line were the conditions giving rise to the government’s approval of In-work benefits in Hong Kong.

Adult and child deprivation in Hong Kong

The paper indicates that deprivation and poverty are different but that, however it is measured, more needs to be done to address poverty in Hong Kong, including further improvements in the coverage and adequacy of health service provision and social security benefits.