
Applicants must have fulfilled one of the following Entrance Requirements:

  1. Applicants must have obtained the following results on the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination:

    1. English Language: Level 3
    2. Chinese Language: Level 3
    3. Mathematics: Level 3 (Programme specific requirement)


    For students admitted in AY2023-24 or before

    i.  Liberal Studies: Level 2

    ii.  One Elective Subject: Level 2*; or


    For students admitted in AY2024-25 or after

    i.  Citizenship and Social Development: Attained

    ii. Two Elective Subjects: Level 2*; or
    * Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or 2) is recognised as an elective subject for the purpose of meeting the Entrance Requirements.


  2. A degree or sub-degree awarded by a recognised post-secondary institution; or
  3. Grade E or above in both Advanced Supplementary (AS) Level Use of English (UE) and Chinese Language and Culture (CLC); PLUS Grade E or above in two Advanced Level (AL) subjects OR Grade E or above in one AL subject and in two AS level subjects other than UE and CLC in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination; or
  4. Other acceptable non-local qualifications as specified at; or
  5. Applicants are 25 years of age or above on 1 September of the year in which admission is sought. They
    1. are able to show, either by publication or by other acceptable evidence, that they have achieved sufficient competence in their chosen field of study to justify admission or have shown exceptional ability in appropriate academic or professional fields
    2. have at least 3 years of relevant working experience; and
    3. can produce evidence of at least 3 years of continuous residence in Hong Kong.


  • 岭南大学在内地31个省(市、区)招收应届高考生(包括复考生),文理兼收,不设省市限额。
  • 岭南大学在内地采取自主独立招生的政策,不参加“全国普通高校统一招生计划”(统招),故不占高校志愿。
  • 有意报读的学生须直接向本校提交网上入学申请。岭大并没有委托任何中介人进行政府资助本科课程的招生及录取工作。


Tuition feeAcademic Years
Current YearComing year
Local StudentHK$42,100Under Review
Non-local StudentHK$140,000Under Review 


Lingnan University offers various scholarships to support high-calibre students to pursue full-time undergraduate studies at the University. Please view for details.