Career Prospects

  • The indispensable need for Data Science specialists
    • As big datasets contain sensitive, confidential and private information about customers, products and business partners and therefore should not be exported to other firms/regions to be analysed by outsourced staff, multi-national banks and financial organisations are expected to employ many new staff members to perform in-house data mining and data analysis.
  • More career opportunities in the era of big data
    • It is projected a manpower requirement of 55,000 in the IT sector in 2022, an increase of 12,000 from the actual manpower requirement in 2012, with an average annual rate of change of 2.5% (Source: Report on Manpower Project to 2022 compiled by the HKSAR Government).
  • Increasing market demand in mainland China
    • In the fourth quarter of 2013, the number of IT employees newly demanded in China’s 104 major cities was 156,461, approximately 10% higher than that in the fourth quarter of 2012 (Source: Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the PRC). 
  • Golden opportunity in the field of Data Science
    • The total revenue from China’s big data industry will reach US$7.13 billion in 2019 (Song 2016). This market will not only motivate Mainland high-school graduates to choose our programme, but also to provide tremendous opportunities to our programme’s graduates (Source: China Industry Research Report). 
  • Well-polished skillset
    • The survey results indicate good job prospects for future graduates and substantial demand for Data Science programmes. The data collected regarding which skills are important to the industries has also informed the development of our BSc in Data Science programme (Source: Market survey, from our alumni). 
  • Competitive edge of being a Data Science specialist
    • The shortfalls of data scientists and business translators in the United States (US) are approximately 250,000 and 4 million respectively. Many universities in the US have made huge investments in establishing new programmes for training data scientists (Source: McKinsey Global Institute).