Vision and Objectives


The School of Data Science will be the premier incubator for data innovation in Asia, nurturing leading data scientists through an interdisciplinary curriculum that fosters ethical, critical and strategic thinking.




  • Interdisciplinary Education and Training
    • Provide high-quality interdisciplinary training through comprehensive curriculum covering principles, skills like programming, statistics, and machine learning
    • Provide interdisciplinary hands-on experience applying skills to real-world datasets through project-based learning.
  • Interdisciplinary Research
    • Bring together faculty and students from AI, Business, academic disciplines across the liberal arts and sciences, professional programs, and external partners from industry
    • Promote collaborative, cross-disciplinary research projects that apply data science, analytics, machine learning, and AI expertise to important problems in diverse domains
  • Industry Partnerships
    • Align curriculum to dynamic market needs through strong engagement with organizations
    • Offer internships and networking opportunities to students
    • Enable knowledge exchange through executive programs, consultancy, and joint initiatives