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Educational Exploration Journey: A Chronicle of Lingnan University

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From April 14 to 20, 2024, Lingnan University organized a week-long study tour for 20 postgraduate students from the psychology and educational management disciplines. Led by Professor Yu Baohua, the students engaged in in-depth exchanges with their peers and professors at National Chengchi University in Taiwan, yielding fruitful results. This study tour deepened our understanding of educational passion, open learning environments, and diverse teaching methods.






Passion for Education

Throughout our journey in Taiwan, the enthusiasm and professional dedication to education were consistently evident. On our first day in Taiwan, we engaged in warm exchanges with Prof. HU Yueh-Luen, the Associate Dean of College of Education and several professors from National Chengchi University, sharing experiences from our respective schools. In the classroom, Prof. YU Min-Ning (Dean of College of Education) , Prof. HU Yueh-Luen, Prof. CHEN Jung-Cheng, HOU Angela Yung-Chi, Prof. CHENG Tung-Liao, Prof. HONG Huang Yao, Prof CHIU Mei-Shiu, and Prof. YAN Min-Ren demonstrated their passion and professionalism. Each professor made time after lectures to discuss and interact deeply with students. Prof. HOU Angela Yung-Chi made a particularly strong impression; she met with students almost daily to clarify their doubts. Her classes were relaxed and engaging, fostering lively discussions about the similarities and differences between higher education in Taiwan and Hong Kong, enriching our knowledge and helping us build strong connections with Taiwanese students. During our visit to The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi University, Principal CHANG Li Ping personally guided us, detailing the school's unique characteristics and educational philosophy, which deeply touched us with her passion for the school. We are also grateful for the seminar held by the Taipei National University of the Arts which allowed us to experience the charm of art.




 high school


Open Learning Environment

The Affiliated High School of National Chengchi Universityis renowned for its unique educational philosophy and open learning environment. In this uniform-free school, students are encouraged to embrace autonomy, discipline, creativity, and vitality. The school offers a wide range of courses, allowing students to choose based on their interests and preferences, which enables more personalized academic development. At the high school level, courses like happiness studies and psychology offer students deeper insights into life and the inner self. Students also have the opportunity to take university-level courses, applying these credits to their future university studies, a flexible and forward-thinking arrangement that introduces them to advanced knowledge earlier.


The school's classroom environment is highly inclusive; students are free to participate in any course that interests them. For example, the school offers a bilingual sports course where the physical education teacher instructs in English, enhancing students' athletic skills as well as their English proficiency. Additionally, the school offers a unique course on the chemistry and art of coffee, where the teacher uses English to guide students through the coffee-making process, blending coffee knowledge with chemical principles while fostering an English-learning environment. We were fortunate to experience an innovative bilingual coffee class. Students not only gain knowledge in the classroom but also experience a diverse life through extracurricular activities. In sports classes, for example, the teacher teaches students to dance the waltz, and at the annual evening event, students eagerly participate in this elegant dance, making sports more enjoyable. This learning atmosphere allows students to enjoy the learning process, unleashing more creativity and passion.


As our study tour in Taiwan was drawing to a close on April 18, 2024, we were invited to the Taipei National University of the Arts for a deep dive into its educational approach. The university is known for its open training model that encourages students to explore boldly and express themselves freely. This exchange gave us profound insights into the unique allure of this institution. Here, the educational philosophy, like a breath of fresh air, inspires every student's creative passion. This environment allows students to explore artistic paths without the constraints of tradition, enabling personalized expressions of art.


During our visit to the university's Art and Humanities Education Research Institute and the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, we admired numerous inspirational works, each reflecting the students' creativity and unique perspectives. The support and encouragement from the school empower students to break conventional boundaries and exceed their own limits. This creative atmosphere has nurtured countless distinguished artists, adding endless artistic allure to the campus. The open educational philosophy promoted by National Taipei University of Arts is not just a pedagogical principle but a cultural legacy. Here, art penetrates deep into the heart, pursuing truth, goodness, and beauty, conveying a love for life and the pursuit of excellence. The campus is imbued with an artistic vibe, making every corner a vibrant and creative paradise.


taipei art


taipei art 2


Diverse Teaching Models

Diverse teaching models play a crucial role in the field of education, effectively stimulating students' interest and potential. Prof. CHENG Tung-Liao shared with us the educational philosophy of Taiwan's Ministry of Education's Experimental Education Promotion Center, which includes a series of innovative teaching methods. In Taiwan, many small schools with fewer than 100 students adopt a small-class teaching model, providing a more intimate learning environment. Even in situations where there are only two students in a school, teachers can focus on each student's learning process with personalized guidance. Teachers have considerable autonomy here; with just a Taiwanese ID and an approved teaching plan from the Ministry of Education, they can establish a school. They are free to choose teaching content based on students' characteristics and needs, organize textbooks, and implement diverse teaching methods. This flexible teaching model is widely recognized and offers students a more personalized and varied learning experience.


Prof. CHENG Tung-Liao has played a significant role in the development of experimental education, and his efforts have enabled students of all ages in Taiwan to find learning methods that suit them. The promotion of this educational philosophy has brought more diversity and innovation to the field of education, providing broader spaces and choices for students' growth and development.


Our week of learning and living together swiftly passed, and during this time, we studied and grew alongside warm-hearted teachers and classmates, quietly fostering deep friendships. When it came time to part, our heartfelt emotions and reluctance to leave were shared with tears, and these precious memories will forever be cherished in our hearts.


This trip to Taiwan was not only about acquiring knowledge but also a profound experience of educational passion and care. Teachers educated us with dedication and affection, setting an example and motivating us to continue advancing on the path of education. Their enthusiasm and educational philosophies will inspire us to keep seeking knowledge and exploring unknown fields. At the same time, as members of the psychology and educational management disciplines at Lingnan University, we feel a deep sense of responsibility and mission. We are grateful for this wonderful encounter, which allowed us to forge deep friendships during this brief yet precious gathering. We look forward to the opportunity to meet again in this memorable place and create more beautiful moments. May our friendship, like the scenery here, remain vibrant and enduring.