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Teaching Staff

Professor Ka Ho MOK
Dean, School of Graduate Studies
Phone: (852) 26168288
Email: [email protected]
Vice-President, Lam Man Tsan Chair Professor of Comparative Policy and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies; BA (CityU); MPhil (CUHK); PhD (LSE, London).
Comparative Higher Education Policy and Governance; Comparative Social Policy and Governance; Development Studies in East Asia.

Professor YU Baohua Lucy
Programme Director
Phone: (852) 26168647
Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor of School of Graduate Studies and Core Centre Fellow of Institute of Policy Studies; Postdoctoral Research Fellow (UNSW), PhD (HKU).
Cross-cultural adaptation of international students, First-year learning experiences, Intercultural communication competence, Motivation in SLA Technology-enhanced language learning and teaching, and Digital storytelling.

Ms. Lee Fung Yee Jennifer
Associate Programme Director
Phone: (852) 26168481
Email: [email protected]
Adjunct Senior Lecturer of School of Graduate Studies; BBA (LU), MEd (HKU).
Education management, Psychology of learning.

Professor LAM King-sum Frankie
Teaching and Learning Centre
Phone: (852) 26168319
Email: [email protected]
Director of Teaching and Learning Centre and Adjunct Associate Professor of School of Graduate Studies; BA, MA (North Texas); Ph.D. (Purdue).
Human Resource and Management

Professor Maggie LAU
Phone: (852) 26167428
Email: [email protected]
Research Associate Professor of the School of Graduate Studies and Asia Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies; BA, MPhil (CityU), PhD (York).
Education and Equality; Poverty and Social Exclusion, Child Poverty and Child Well-Being, Adolescent Health Behaviours, and Migration.

Professor AMOAH Padmore Adusei
Phone: (852) 26168037
Email: [email protected]
Research Assistant Professor of School of Graduate Studies and Asia Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies; PhD (Lingnan University).
Population Health and Health Services Research; Social Epidemiology and Sexuality and Sexual Health Studies.

Professor HUANG Genghua
Phone: (852) 26167896
Email: [email protected]
Research Assistant Professor and Education Officer of School of Graduate Studies & Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies, BA (SYSU) MPhil (SCUT), PhD (EdUHK).
Social Policy; Education Policy; Employment Policy and Labour Market Reform; Political Economy of Comparative Welfare State.

Professor HUANG Jing
Phone: (852) 26168480
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Professor of School of Graduate Studies and Core Centre Fellow of Institute of Policy Studies; PhD (HKU).
School Psychology, Child Development, Reading and Writing Development, and Language Assessment.

Professor Yusuf Ikbal OLDAC
Phone: (852) 26167947
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Professor of School of Graduate Studies and Core Centre Fellow of Institute of Policy Studies; MSc (ODTÜ), DPhil/PhD (Oxford).
Higher Education, Comparative and International Education, Global Science, International Student Mobility.

Professor Keyu ZHAI
Phone: (852) 26168128
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Professor of School of Graduate Studies; MA (UCL), PhD (Glas).
Social mobility, Labour market outcomes and International student mobility.

Professor CHENG Wing Tung Michelle
Phone: (852) 26167948
Email: [email protected]
Research Assistant Professor of School of Graduate Studies and Core Centre Fellow of Institute of Policy Studies; BSocSc, PhD (HKU), PGDE (EdUHK).
Education, Student Wellbeing, Generic Skills Development, Residential Education, Learning Motivation, Research Methods.

Dr. WANG Huatian
Department of Psychology
Phone: (852) 26167816
Email: [email protected]
Research Assistant Professor of Department of Psychology; PhD (TU/e).
Organizational Psychology, Organizational Behavior, Occupational Health, And Human Resources Management, Workplace (Group) Diversity and Inclusion, Individual Proactivity, Job (Re)Design, Job Characteristics, Employee Training and Intervention.

Dr. CHEUNG Yu Hin Ray
Department of Psychology
Phone: (852) 26167657
Email: [email protected]
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, Associate Programme Director of MSc in Work and Organisation Psychology (MWOP); BSocSc, MEcon (HKU), PGDE, MPhil, PhD (CUHK).
Quantitative Research Methodology, Psychometrics, Education Assessment.

Professor LAM Ho Wa Hodar
Department of Psychology
Phone: (852) 26167806
Email: [email protected]
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Centre Fellow of Wofoo Joseph Lee Consulting and Counselling Psychology Research Centre.
Loneliness & solitude, Leadership, Leader-follower relationships Emotions at work, Well-being interventions.

Dr. TANG Lai La Anne
Phone: (852) 26167949
Email: [email protected]
Research Assistant Professor of School of Graduate Studies; BA (PolyU), MSc (PolyU), MA (CU), MPhil (CU), EdD (Durham University, UK).
Teacher Care; Ethics of Care; Pedagogy; Confucian Heritage Culture (CHC); Vygotsky’s Social Constructivism; Higher Education; Qualitative Research.

Dr. BIN AEDY RAHMAN Hamzah Nor (Adam)
Phone: (852) 26167653
Email: [email protected]
Research Fellow, Assistant Lecturer; BEd (IPG), MEd (UMS), PhD (Lingnan).
Higher Education, Transnational Higher Education, Child Wellbeing.

Dr. TIAN Zhen Jane
Phone: (852) 26167783
Email: [email protected]
Research Fellow, tutor; BSocSc (SDU), MPhil (SDU), PhD (LU).
Aging Studies, Comparative Policy, Welfare Regime, Social Service, Social Mobility, Governance.