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Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Social Science


Programme Curriculum Committee (PCC)

Terms of Reference
1. To oversee academic matters to ensure quality development and delivery of the programme, including the design, implementation, and review of the curriculum, and achievement of the intended learning outcomes, etc.;
2. To coordinate with concerned teaching staff on such programme matters as course offerings for each academic year;
3. To coordinate with the QA and Registry/School of Graduate Studies on such academic matters as the review of academic regulations and examination matters;
4. To review the admissions policy for the Postgraduate Diploma Programmes; and
5. To receive feedback from students and other stakeholders, related follow-up action plans and progress report, if any;
6. To deal with all other academic matters related to the programme.

Chairman : Programme Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Social Sciences Programme
Members :  Dean, School of Graduate Studies, or designate
Two staff representatives from the IHEM, HRMOB, OPEM, MWOP or LIFE
All full-time Lingnan staff who teach the Postgraduate Diploma Programme
One student representative
Secretary : To be appointed by the Chairman

Board of Examiners (BoE)

Terms of Reference
1. To maintain the academic standards of the programme at a level appropriate to the award of Postgraduate Diploma;
2. To oversee the assessment system of the programme, including continuousassessment and final examination;
3. To maintain the proper conduct of examinations;
4. To approve the overall grades of individual courses;
5. To review the academic performances of students in the programme;
6. To deal with grievances and appeals from students; and
7. To recommend graduation list and award classifications, lists of discontinuation and special consideration for continuation of studies and report related matters, if any, to the Postgraduate Studies Committee.

Chairman :  Programme Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Social Sciences Programme
Members :   Dean, School of Graduate Studies, or designate
Two staff representatives from IHEM, OPEM, MWOP, HRMOB or LIFE
All full-time Lingnan teaching staff concerned with the setting and grading of examinations
Secretary :  To be appointed by the Chairman

Staff-Student Consultation Committee (SSCC)

Terms of Reference
1. To promote communication and understanding between students and teaching staff;
2. To collect feedback from students regarding teaching, learning and course evaluation and issues of importance for enhancing teaching and learning quality;
3. To collect other matters of concern to the students;
4. To collect feedback on the teaching and learning and related quality assurance processes of the programme;
5. To update students on changes made to courses and related teaching in response to feedback collected from the Course Teaching and Learning Evaluation exercise; and
6. To discuss ways to help students learn more effectively.

Chairman :  Programme Director, Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Social Sciences Programme
Members :  At least two teaching staff representatives
At least three student representatives
Secretary :  To be appointed by the Chairman

Advisory Board (AB)

Terms of Reference
1. To ensure the level and length of Postgraduate Diploma Programme are comparable to those of other programmes of similar nature and level;
2. To ensure the relevance of the curriculum and course contents and learning activities in addressing the further study and career pursuit needs of graduates from this programme;
3. To advise on the adequacy of teaching facilities and learning resources for quality delivery of the programme;
4. To advise on the development of teaching and learning and other co-curricular activities to enrich the learning experiences of students;
5. To seek external resources and support in organising practical learning activities, developing articulation opportunities to taught master’s degree programmes, and raising sponsorship to fund scholarships and student development activities, etc.

Dr. LIN Sui Ting Richard
General Manager, Siemens South China;
President, Australia Chamber of Commerce – South China
Dr. CHO Yin-nei, Esther Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Hong Kong Baptist University;
Associate Director, Centre for Youth Research and Practice, Hong Kong Baptist University
Mr. LAW Yun Lau Assistant Primary School Master (APSM), PLK Vicwood K. T. Chong No.2 Primary School