Subsite Background

Professor DAVID Roman

Professor DAVID Roman










Tel: (852) 2616 7126
Fax: (852) 2456 0737
Email: [email protected]




WYL209, Dorothy Y L Wong Building
Department of Sociology and Social Policy
Lingnan University, 8 Castle Peak Rd., Tuen Mun, Hong Kong

I study transitional (post-conflict, historical) justice, reconciliation and peace. I am currently working on a microlevel transfomative justice theory and on a co-authored (with Ian Holliday and Aung Myat Kaung) research monograph on current Myanmar. Before coming to Lingnan in 2012, I held various positions at Newcastle (reader), Yale (post-doc), CityU (research), BaptistU (visiting), Wits (post-doc), Nuffield College, Oxford (visiting in 1998 and 2020), Harvard (visiting) and Masaryk (lecturer). At Lingnan, I served as the Head of Department (2017-2020) and the Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies) (2015-2017). I am a recipient of the Concept Analysis Award by IPSA (2012), an honourable mention by the Czechoslovak Studies Association (2019), and APSA John Kincaid Best Article Award (2024). 

Political sociology; Political psychology; Law and society; Sociology of justice, peace and reconciliation

Academic Year:  2023 - 2024

1st Term:


Sociological Research Methods

2nd Term:


Introduction to Sociology



Truth and Justice









Chief Supervisor: Mr. AGBADI Pascal (PhD Student) & Mr. ASCUI GAC Sebastian (PhD student)

Recent Publications:


R David, Aung Kaung Myat, and Ian Holliday, Liberalism and illiberalism in Myanmar’s National League for Democracy, Party Politics (2024),

R David, PC Tam, “Political apologies and their acceptance: Experimental evidence from victims and perpetrators nations”, British Journal of Social Psychology 2024, 63 (1): 273-294.  

R David and Vicki WL Yeung, “Can All Types of Apologies Deliver Justice and Reconciliation?” Chapter 5, in Chrisje Brants, Susanne Karstedt, and Nandor Knust (eds). Making a Difference: The Impact of Transitional Justice. Routledge, 2024.

Aung Kaung Myat, R David, and Ian Holliday, “From Democratic Federalism to Federal Democracy in Myanmar”, Publius: Journal of Federalism 2023, 53(2): 278–300.

Vicki WL Yeung, R David, “Apology Mismatch”, Asian Journal of Social Psychology 2023, 26 (3): 301-17.

R David, Aung Kaung Myat, and Ian Holliday, “Can regime change improve ethnic relations? Perception of ethnic minorities after the 2021 coup in Myanmar”, Japanese Journal of Political Science 2022, 23(2): 89-104.



Major Publications:


Roman David & Ian Holliday, Liberalism and Democracy in Myanmar. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2018, 2019. 

Reviewed by Asia Dialogue, Asian Journal of Law & Society, Journal of Burmese Studies; featured at the Law and Society Association Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, in 2019; and Irrawady Literary Festival in Mandalay in 2019. Translated into Burmese by Aye Thein and Khine Lynn Thu and published by Myanmar Book Centre in 2019.


Roman David, Communists and Their Victims: The Quest for Justice in the Czech Republic. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania University Press, 2018. 

Honourable Mention, Czechoslovak Studies Association biennial Book Award, 2019. Reviewed by American Journal of Sociology; Human Rights Quarterly; Humanity and Society; Journal of Law and Society; Foreign Affairs; The Times Literary Supplement.


Roman David, Lustration and Transitional Justice: Personnel Systems in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011.

Winner of the triennial Concept Analysis Award by IPSA in Madrid in 2012. Reviewed by Slavic Review; Choice; Comparative European Politics; International Journal of Transitional Justice; Social & Legal Studies; Perspectives on Politics; Czech Sociological Review; Harvard Journal of Middle Eastern Politics and Policy.


Susanne Y.P. Choi, Roman David, “Lustration Systems and Trust: Evidence from Survey Experiments in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland.” American Journal of Sociology, 2012, 117(4), 1172-1201.


Roman David and Tam Pui Chuen, “Political Apologies,” British Journal of Social Psychology (2023, double-listed under recent publications).


R. David, “The past or the politics of the present? Dealing with the Japanese occupation of South Korea,” Contemporary Politics, 2016, 22(1), 57-76.


R. David, “International Criminal Tribunals and the Perception of Justice: The Effect of the ICTY in Croatia,” International Journal of Transitional Justice, 2014, 8(3), 476-495.


R. David, "Transitions to Clean Government: Amnesty as an Anticorruption Measure." Australian Journal of Political Science, 2010, 45(3), 391-406.


R. David, Susanne Y.P. Choi. "Getting Even, or Getting Equal? Retributive Desires and Transitional Justice." Political Psychology, 2009, 30(2), 161-192.


R. David, Susanne Y.P. Choi, "Forgiveness and transitional justice in the Czech Republic." Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2006, 50(3), 339-367.



Other Publications:


R David and CM Horne, “Lustration and Personnel Reform of the State”. In Hakeem O. Yusuf and Hugo van der Merwe, eds., Transitional Justice: Theories, Mechanisms, and Debates, Routledge, 2021.


R.M. Gyasi, D.R. Phillips, R. David, “Explaining the gender gap in health services use among Ghanaian community-dwelling older cohorts, Women & Health, 2019, 1-16.


R. David, “Ukrainian Lustration and Democracy Capable of Defending Itself.” In Cynthia Horne and Lavinia Stan, Transitional Justice in the Former Soviet Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 135-154.


R. David, “Transitional Justice.” In William Outhwaite and Steven Turner, The Sage Handbook of Political Sociology, pp. 893-908, 2018.


R. David, “What we know about transitional justice: Survey and experimental evidence.” Political Psychology, 2017, 38 (Supplement 1): 151-57.


R. David, “Lustration and Transitional Justice.” The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Sociology, edited by George Ritzer et al., 2016.


R. David, "Transitional Justice and Changing Memories of the Past in Central Europe", Government & Opposition, 2015, 50(1), 24-44.


Choi, S.Y.P., Cheung, A.K.L., Cheung, Y.W., David, R., “Bring the Subjective Back: Resources and husband-to-wife physical assault among Chinese Couples in Hong Kong.”  Violence Against Women (VAW), 2014, 20, 1428-1446.


R. David, “Transitional Justice Effects in the Czech Republic.” In: Stan, L; and Nedelsky, N, eds. Post-Communist Transitional Justice: Lessons from 25 Years of Experience, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.


R. David & H. Mzioudet, “Personnel Change or Personal Change? Rethinking Libya’s Political Isolation Law.” Brookings-Doha-Stanford Paper, No. 31, March 2014.


R. David. “Retribution,” in Lavinia Stan and Nadya Nedelsky, International Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.


R. David. “The Czech Republic.” in L. Stan and N. Nedelsky, International Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 131-38, volume on Country Studies.


R. David. “The Office for the Investigation of Communist Crimes.” in L. Stan and N. Nedelsky, International Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 335-39, volume on Transitional Justice Institutions and Organizations.


R. David. “The Rehabilitation of Political Prisoners.” in L. Stan and N. Nedelsky, International Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.


R. David, "Twenty Years of Transitional Justice in the Czech Lands." Europe-Asia Studies, 2012, 64(4), 761-784.

R. David, Ian Holliday, "International Sanctions or International Justice? Shaping the Future in Myanmar." Australian Journal of International Affairs, 2012, 66(2), 121-38. 


R. David, Politologie: Zaklady spolecenskych ved, Olomouc: Nakladatelstvi Olomouc, 6th rev. ed. 2007, hardback ISBN 978-80-7182-239-4.


R. David, “In exchange for truth: The Polish lustration & the South African amnesty process.” Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies, 2006, 32(1), 81-99.


R. David, Ian Holliday, "Set the Junta free: Pre-transitional justice in Myanmar's democratization." Australian Journal of Political Science, 2006, 41(1), 91-105.


R. David, "From Prague to Baghdad: Lustration systems and their political effects." Government and Opposition, 2006, 41(3), 347-372.


R. David; Susanne Y.P. Choi, "Victims on transitional justice: lessons from the reparation of human rights abuses in the Czech Republic." Human Rights Quarterly, 2005, 27(2), 392-435.


R. David, Ustava CR a Listina zakladnich prav a svobod, Olomouc: Nakladatelstvi Olomouc, 4th rev. ed. 2005, ISBN-80-7182-109-8.


R. David, "Transitional injustice? Criteria for conformity of lustration to the right to political expression." Europe-Asia Studies, 2004, 56(6), 789-812.


R. David, "Lustration laws in action: The motives and evaluation of lustration policy in the Czech Republic and Poland (1989-2001)." Law & Social Inquiry, 2003, 28(2), 387-439.


R. David, Umluva o pravech ditete: uvod do problematiky, Olomouc: Nakladatelstvi Olomouc, 1999; ISBN-80-7182-076-8.


R. David, “Stabilita mensinove vlady a Ustavni system CR”, Politologicky Casopis (Czech Journal of Political Science) 5(3): (1998).


R. David, “Spravedlnost vs. Legalita”, Politologicky casopis (Czech Journal of Political Science), Vol. 4, No. 3 (1997) [reprinted in Proglas and Bulletin of Obcansky Institute].


R. David, “Otazka ustavnosti volebnich kauci”, Politologicky casopis (Czech Journal of Political Science), Vol. 3, No. 4 (1996).


R. David, “Otazka continuity legislativniho procesu behem voleb”, Politologicky casopis (Czech Journal of Political Science), Vol. 5, No. 4 (1998).



Research Reports and Knowledge Transfer:


R. David, “Restoration of Trust in the Administration and the Judiciary in Ukraine,” RAE 2020 Impact Case for the Sociology Unit, Lingnan University.


R. David, “The Prospects For Judicial Reforms: Analysis of a Survey of Judges of Ukraine’s Judiciary” Kyiv: USAID’s FAIR Justice Project, 2016 (in English and Ukrainian).


R. David, “Who Wants What in Lustration? The Analysis of Public Views of Lustration Process in Ukraine,” Kyiv: USAID’s FAIR Justice Project, 2016 (in English and Ukrainian).


R. David, “Lustration and Democracy Capable of Defending Itself,” Kyiv: USAID’s FAIR Justice Project, 2015 (in English and Ukrainian).


R. David, “Lustration Model for Ukraine,” Kyiv: USAID’s FAIR Justice Project, 2014 (in English and Ukrainian).



Academic Referee

American Journal of Political Science; American Journal of Sociology; American Political Science Review; Asian Journal of Political Science; Asian Women; Canadian Slavonic Papers; Comparative Political Studies; Contemporary European History; Contemporary Politics; Czech Sociological Review; East European Politics and Societies; Ethics & International Affairs;  Europe-Asia Studies; Global Security Studies; Global Society; International Journal of Transitional Justice; International Criminal Law Review; Journal of Conflict Resolution; Journal of Global Security Studies; Journal of Historical Sociology; Journal of Human Rights; Journal of Peace Research; Law & Social Inquiry; Law & Society Review; Politics; Publius: Journal of Federalism; Quadernos de Economía; Slavic Review; State Crimes Journal.


Cambridge University Press; Economic & Social Research Council, UK; European Research Council, EU; Hong Kong RGC; Intersentia; IPSA’s Concept Analysis in Political Science Award; Leverhulme Trust, UK.



External Research Grants (as Principal Investigator):


GRF, Political Apologies by Japan to Korea (with Co-I V Yueng, JW Park).


GRF, Justice and Reconciliation in Myanmar (with Co-I I Holliday).


British Academy, Dealing with the Past in the Czech Republic.


United States Institute of Peace, Lustration Laws in Central Europe.


South African National Research Foundation, Postdoctoral Research Grant.