Learning Enhancement

Learning Enhancement


The conception of Learning Enhancement broadly relates to a multifaceted approach to the professional development of Lingnan staff in order to enhance teaching quality. The professional development of teaching staff and of those who support them has been identified as an essential element of future progress towards implementing and building capability in (e)Learning at Lingnan University. Within the word “(e)Learning” the “(e)” or “electronic” reference is deliberately bracketed in order to highlight that any change related to eLearning must also be inclusive of a change and re-thinking of “learning” per se. Our approach is “Learning Led and Technology Enabled


This approach to Learning Enhancement reflects the following principles;

  • It is learner-centred in that it acknowledges that decisions about professional development at each level within a particular context are best made by those directly involved at the appropriate level
  • It is informed by, and seeks good practice, based on research and investigation carried out internationally as well as within Hong Kong into professional development for (e)learning
  • It promotes collaboration because it acknowledges and recognises the interconnections between and amongst the different levels and different staff
  • It is innovative because it supports the generation of a breadth of possibilities and new ideas for professional development for (e)learning reflecting the emerging and immature nature of this area. It is not a ‘one size fits all’ model, but enables the different participants to design, develop, implement and evaluate professional development activities that are best suited to meet their own needs in their respective contexts.
  • It is affordable and sustainable because it promotes systemic and systematic professional development through an on-going and iterative process of engagement and evaluation.


The objectives of this approach to learning enhancement are to;

  • advance professional practice and ensure it is learner-centered in relation to the curriculum and pedagogy
  • demonstrate innovative practice in professional development activities to reflect the breadth of possibilities and new ideas to encourage and support academic staff to apply and embed these new learning and teaching techniques and approaches, and where appropriate, the use of learning technologies with their own learners
  • promote collaboration between and amongst Lingnan University academic staff to cultivate interdisciplinary partnerships and to encourage the development of inquiry-based learning communities with shared values
  • develop an affordable and sustainable approach to academic staff Professional Development needs through an on-going and iterative process of engagement and evaluation.

General Enquiries

Phone Phone: (852) 2616-7117
E-mail E-mail: [email protected]
Address 2/F, B Y Lam Building,
Lingnan University,
Tuen Mun, The New
Territories, Hong Kong.