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Our Summer Series:   July | JunePrevious Events


July 2024






2:30 - 4:00pm


Health and Social Services Management | Talk: Can Caregiver Tragedy Be Avoided?
健康及社會服務管理課程 | 主題講座:照顧者悲劇,能否避免?

  • Registration: Open | Closed

Venue 地點 Language 語言
Lingnan University



Target audience: Form 4-6 students (especially for students taking HKDSE elective subjects - Health Management and Social Care)

Speaker: Prof Dickson Chan (Research Professor & Director, Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies) & Dr Florence Fong (Senior Lecturer, Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies)
講者:陳澤群教授(嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心總監) 與 馮明穗博士(嶺南大學亞太老年學研究中心高級講師)




(Fri - Sat)


4:30 - 5:30pm

Summer Camp 2024  
2 Days 1 Night 兩⽇⼀夜 ⼤學體驗營 

  • Who? Local or Non-local students,  Form 4 - 6 (or equivalent)

  • Where? Lingnan University campus 

  • How can I join? Click here!

早鳥優惠 Early Bird Offer 24 May 2024 (Fri)   
HKD 550  
截止日期延至 Extended Deadline 3 July 2024 (Wed)   
HKD 650 


Redefine Your 5 Things To Do at Lingnan! Join us to: 

  • 與學者互動 Engage with scholars  

  • 解鎖新技能 Unlock new skills  

  • 住「呵」 Live in hostels  

  • 識朋友 Make friends  

  • 關懷社區 Serve our community  


Summer Camp 2024 includes a Consultation Session (July 12 Fri, 4-7 PM). Please use this form if you would like to join the Consultation Session only.  

 ​​​​June 2024  







1:00 - 5:00pm


Department of Chinese Open Day | Book Fair and Sharing
中文系開放日 | 小型書展及分享

  • Registration: Open | Closed

Activity 活動 Time 時間 Venue 地點 Delivery Mode 形式 Language 語言
Book Fair
1:00 - 5:00 pm Lingnan University
Face-to-face ---
Talk and Sharing
2:00 - 3:00pm  Lingnan University & Zoom
Face-to-face and Zoom Mandarin and Cantonese


Target audience 對象:
F4 to F6 students 中四至中六學生


Speaker for Talk 講座講者
Prof. TAN Li Wen Jessica 陳麗汶教授


Student sharing 學生分享:

  1. SZE, Tsz Sum 施子琛同學
  2. CHAN, Yeuk Yu 陳若妤同學






2:30 - 3:20pm


環球可持續發展講座 | What is the 'S' in 'ESG’? 

Global Development and Sustainability Talk | What is the 'S' in 'ESG’?  

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Delivery Mode: Zoom + LingnanVerse 

  • Target audience: Prioity given to F4-F6 students 

  • Language: English 


'ESG' and 'sustainability' are trendy terms these days. When we hear these terms, we often think first of climate change and green technology. But the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) show clearly that social and cultural factors are also crucial. This talk explains the "S", the "social" element, of ESG, demonstrating why human concerns are central to both business interests and environmental sustainability. The talk also explores how different university programmes, including Lingnan's Global Development and Sustainability Programme, can prepare students to be future leaders in social and cultural sustainability.


Speaker 講者:

  • Prof. Grace Ai-Ling Chou
    Professor of Teaching, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Lingnan University
    Programme Director, Bachelor of Liberal Arts (Honours) in Global Development and Sustainability Programme, School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Lingnan University
    Research interests:
    Interdisciplinary and active-learning pedagogies; History of education, culture and thought
  • 周愛靈教授






11:30 - 12:30pm


翻譯系 | 
講座二:從"Tang"到"菓珍": 一個美國飲料品牌的中文譯名

Translation |  
Talk 1: Language, Culture, and Translation
Talk 2: Translating the Brand Name of an American Powder Drink

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Delivery Mode: Face-to-face 

  • Target audience: Priority to Form 4-6 students; First-come-first-served

  • Venue: Lingnan University

Talk 1:


Language, Culture, and Translation: 
In this talk, the speaker will address the close relationship between language, culture, and translation. Translation is not merely a linguistic transfer but also involves the translation of cultures. Translation has played, and will continue to play, an important role in enriching the target language and introducing new cultural elements. 

Language: English

Speaker: Prof. BAI Liping
Bai Liping is an associate professor at the Department of Translation of Lingnan University. Since 2015, he has been writing articles on translation for a column in the journal Mingpao Monthly. 


Talk 2:

從"Tang"到"菓珍": 一個美國飲料品牌的中文譯名:

Translating the Brand Name of an American Powder Drink: 
Drawing on a small sample of TV commercials, this talk traces the localization of an American  brand name in both Mainland China and Hong Kong. 

Language: English supplemented by Mandarin and Cantonese 
語言:英語 (輔以普通話及廣東話)

Speaker: Prof. BAI Yunfei
Bai Yunfei is an assistant professor at the Department of Translation of Lingnan University. 






3:00 - 5:00pm


English | Creative Writing Workshop
英文系 |  創意寫作工作坊

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Target audience: Prioity given to F4-F6 students 

  • Language: English 

  • Venue: Lingnan University 

  • Delivery mode: Face-to-face 

  • Quota: 20

Creative Writing Workshop with D.J. Hamilton

How do writers get started? How do writers find their voice? How can you unlock your imagination to discover images, ideas, characters and narratives to write about? The Creative Writing Workshop will give you prompts and exercises to guide you in this process of discovery and finding your voice.  The workshop will get you writing and give you tools to keep you writing.  

Participants wishing to share their work, or bring previously written work will be offered feedback as time permits.


Workshop Leader

Mr. D.J. Hamilton

D.J. Hamilton’s book of poems, The Hummingbird Sometimes Flies Backwards, won the Proverse Prize.  He has won awards in Washington State and New York for poems, plays and play directing.  His poems have appeared in Voice & Verse, the Madrona Project, Tentacle Ofi Press; Repentino; Dalmo’ma Anthology, Bumbershoot Anthology, Firecrackers,  Compages,  Where Else: An International Hong Kong Poetry Anthologyand other publications.

Hamilton has worked as an actor, juggler, theatre director and writer.  He has performed and/or directed plays in Europe, Canada, Mexico, and US cities including New York and Seattle, where he founded, Theatre Babylon, an experimental theatre company.  He taught for many years, in Washington State Schools and International Schools in Mexico, China & Hong Kong, including Lingnan University.

Hamilton grew up in Wisconsin and later lived in Seattle.  He has lived almost 8 years in Hong Kong after 12 years in Mexico and 1 year in mainland China.






7:00 - 9:00pm


Cultural Studies | Talk
文化研究系 | 散步作為一種公共藝術:文化實踐與社區認同

  • Registration: Open | Closed

Venue 地點 Platform 形式 Language 語言



名額:40 (名額優先給予中四至中六學生)









2:00 - 2:45pm


Data Science | Admissions Talk and Interview Skills
數據科學 | 入學講座及面試技巧

  • Registration: Open | Closed

Platform 形式 Language 語言
Zoom Cantonese

Target audience: Form 4-6 students

Speaker: Dr Alan Lam, Admission Officer of the Data Science Programme
講者:林頴綸博士 (數據科學課程招生主任)







10:00 am - 5:30 pm


Psychology | Exploration Day
心理學系 | 活動探索日

  • Registration: Open | Closed

Activity 活動 Venue 地點 Language 語言
Game - Psychology in Everyday Life
and Student Sharing
活動遊戲 - 生活中的心理學
及 學生分享
Cantonese and English

Introduction 簡介:
There are six games for the participants to play and learn psychological knowledge (e.g., emotion, memory, & personality, etc.) in our everyday life.


  1. Let’s compete in ANAGRAM! 齊來鬥拼字!
  2. Who are you? Recognition of people with and without masks 你係邊個? - 有口罩同無口罩嘅認人遊戲
  3. Squeeze your stress! 發洩你嘅壓力吧!
  4. Rainbow of Emotion 七彩情感彩虹
  5. Color Memory Expedition 色彩記憶探險記
  6. The Personality Prediction Game 個性預測遊戲

Target audience: Form 4-6 students

Host: Current Lingnan Psychology students 
主持: 嶺大心理學系學生

Activity 活動 Time 時間 Venue 地點 Language 語言

Talk - The look of love from psychologists

主題講座 - 心理學家對愛情的觀察

2:30 - 3:30 pm Lingnan@WestKowloon
Cantonese and English
Introduction: The talk will explore the psychological and social aspects of love. The speaker will talk about the stages of Love, to answer the question “Similarity works? Or opposites attract? ” and explain Sternberg’s theory of love.

Target audience: Form 4-6 students

Speaker: Prof. Francis Cheung (Associate Professor, Department of Psychology)
講者:張宇樂教授 (心理學系教授)
Activity 活動 Time 時間 Venue 地點 Language 語言
Talk - Don’t Worry, Be Happy…? An Exploration in Positive Psychology
主題講座 - 唔好擔心,開心D⋯?正向心理學的探索
4:00 - 5:00 pm Lingnan@WestKowloon
Cantonese and English
Introduction: The pursuit of happiness” may be a goal to many, but do we know how to be happy? Psychologists spend a lot of time trying to find out the formula for happiness. In this short talk, we are going to explore psychological studies about the means to increase “happiness”. Based on research done at Lingnan University and elsewhere, we will learn about some of the methods that may help someone to feel happier.

Target audience: Form 4-6 students

Speaker: Prof. Vivian Lun (Associate Professor, Department of Psychology)
講者:倫妙芝教授 (心理學系教授)








Economics | Talk
經濟學系 | 主題講座:流行文化與經濟學

  • Registration: Open | Closed

Platform 形式 Language 語言
Zoom Cantonese

國際歌手Taylor Swift早前展開世界巡迴演唱,為演出當地的經濟帶來相當可觀的經濟收益,引起不少學者及機構分析師的目光。另一方面,近年來加密貨幣(虛擬貨幣)市場吸引大量投資者以及他們的資金,而加密貨幣與網絡世界的流行文化息息相關。隨著近年來人工智慧掘起,加密貨幣市場的投資已成趨勢,美國證券交易委員會於今年初比特幣現貨交易所交易基金,而香港亦同樣跟上步伐。是次講座將探討流行文化如何影響傳統實體經濟以及加密貨幣市場。

Target audience: Form 4-6 students

Speaker: Mr. LEUNG Hin Shing Billy (Assistant Lecturer, Department of Economics)
講者:梁軒誠先生 (經濟學系助理講師)




Previous Events







4:30 - 5:30pm


哲學系分享 | 動漫有哲學 | 羈絆,力量,與自由 – 進撃の巨人的哲學反思  
Philosophy Sharing |  Philosophical Anime That Will Make You Think   

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Delivery Mode: Zoom + LingnanVerse

  • Target audience: Local, especially F4-F6 students


Philosophy literally means “love of wisdom.” Yet what is the subject matter that wisdom is applied to? Socrates says "An unexamined life is not worth living". Philosophy is about the reflection of life experience, which can be found in collective social life, in pursuit of knowledge, and in daily experience and sensations. Philosophy is in life itself.  As such representations of life such as movies, fictions, and anime are all loaded with philosophical issues. In this talk, we will examine a manga classic Attack of the Titans. The talk will explore, behind all the gory scenes of bloodshed, how it is drawing distinctions between different kinds of freedoms that are entangled with a world made of violence, group survival, and loyalty. 


  • Speaker: 陳永政教授 Professor Elton Chan
    • 嶺南大學哲學系助理教授,主要研究中西政治哲學,特別留心儒家學說及西方共和主義傳統
    • Assistant Professor of Lingnan University Philosophy department. Research interset include Confucianism, republicanism, and poiltical philosophy in both Chinese and Western traditions. 






4:30 - 5:15pm


嶺大元字宙直播 | 嚟香港前要做好準備Virtual live | 
7 items you should know before you come to HK

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Delivery Mode: LingnanVerse 

  • Target audience: All non-local students who are going to study in Hong Kong 

  • Language: English 


Our non-local student ambassador will share their experience for students who are planning to study in Lingnan University. Some common difficulties and hot issues will be covered. 

1. Transportation issues: Air ticket; visa; Public transportation from airport to campus; Octopus card
2. Accommodation: Hostel type (Double room/Triple room); pricing; culture
3. Leisure: Travel between town and countryside within 1 hour – hiking, beach, etc 
4. Culture and Language 
5. Essential items: Luggage to be packed in suitcase; clothes; power socket (voltage 220V)
6. Food: Canto-cuisine, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Fast food
7. Purchase of daily products: Shopping malls near the campus to purchase


Venue: Registry Booth, Wing On Plaza, LingnanVerse 

LingnanVerse Registry Booth Location






3:30 - 5:30pm


文化研究系工作坊 | 社區地圖工作坊

  • 登記: Open | Closed

  • 形式: 面對面教學  

  • 地點: 旺角

  • 對象: 中四至中六學生

  • 名額: 20 (名額優先給予中四至中六學生)

  • 語言: 廣東話



  • 導師:封曉彤女士
    • 嶺南大學文化研究及發展中心高級項目主任,策劃海外及本地社區文化交流團。
    • 文化及工藝教育工作者,藝術行政策劃人;具多年社區創新策劃及文化項目管理經驗。






8:00 - 9:00 pm

Sharing | My University Life

清谈分享 | 岭大开麦 - 我的大学生活

  • Registration 登记 : Open | Closed

  • Delivery Mode 形式: Zoom

  • Target audience 对象:Mainland students and parents 应届内地申请人及家长

Our Admission Officers, together with Alumni and students of Lingnan University will have a casual chat with the mainland applicants, sharing our learning plans, our campus environment, interesting things about Lingnan life. If you have any questions about Lingnan’s undergraduate programmes, admission requirements, application procedures and admissions process, we are happy to answer some highlighted questions

周六晚饭后岭大教务处安排了入学主任、校友及学生,与各位应届内地申请人一起轻松聊一聊,分享一下大学学习计划、校园环境、岭大生活有趣事,同一时间为大家打打气 。 当然,如果对岭大本科课程、入学要求、申请程序与录取过程等有疑问,我们乐于解答重点问题






11:00 - 12:40 pm

歷史系課堂體驗 | 重寫大秦帝國的歷史:
History Taster Lecture | Rewriting the History of the Qin Empire:
Recent Archaeological Discoveries 

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Delivery Mode: Face-to-Face

  • Language: Mainly in Cantonese 


  • LKK 101, Lingnan University

Target audience: 

  • Form 4-5 students studying History


  • 10 (Priority to Form 4-5 students; First-come-first-served)


  • Not required


對於秦考古,大家當然都熟悉兵馬俑。 然而,秦考古的領域絕對不止於秦始皇陵。在過去的幾十年,考古學家發掘出不可勝數的秦代文物,大大加深我們對秦史的認識。 此講將介紹秦考古的一些最新發現以及它們所引起的歷史辯論。

Most people are familiar with the amazing terracotta warriors from Ancient China. It is indeed one of the most important archaeological discoveries from the tomb of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BCE). However, Qin archaeology is hardly limited to just that. In the past few decades, archaeologists have uncovered numerous new artefacts of the Qin empire. In this lecture, Prof. Vincent Leung will introduce some of these new important discoveries and discuss what new information they gave us about the history of the Qin empire.



  • 課堂後設有藝術展覽"感物"的導覽.
    There will be a guided tour of the art exhibition "Sense Things" after the lecture.







4:30 - 6:00 pm

Zoom consultation

For JUPAS Admissions

  • Platform: Zoom

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Language: Mainly in Cantonese 


  • 安排教務處入學主任及學生大使,解答對嶺大本科課程、入學要求、申請程序與錄取過程等疑問
  • 歡迎各界人士參與活動,特別是有意經JUPAS申請入學之學生






10:30 - 12:30 am

國學堂第二十二講:「翻譯與創編之際:《越人歌》及其意義」 ("Translation-as-Composition: The 'Song of a Yue' and Its Implications") 

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Language: Putonghua


  • Professor GU Yixin, Lingnan University Dept. of Chinese 顧一心教授


  • Hong Kong City Hall Recital Hall, 8F, High Block, 5 Edinburgh Place, Central. 

Target audience: 

  • Open to members of public, Lingnan students and staff

Registration Fee: 

  • Not required




Yixin Gu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chinese at Lingnan University, a post that he has held since receiving his doctorate from Princeton University in 2022. His research cuts across classical Chinese literature, culture, and intellectual history, with a focus on early and medieval times (pre-imperial through Tang period) and wide-ranging interests in poetics, philosophy, historiography, philology, rhetoric, aesthetics, literary criticism, and beyond. His dissertation, “The Enchantment of Erudition: Models and Manifestations of Literary Culture in Han-Wei China” (2022), a winner of the Marjorie Chadwick Buchanan Dissertation Prize (Princeton University), is foundational to his first book project. Some of his research outputs were published in English or Chinese in academic journals like T’oung Pao, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Zhonghua wenshi lunsong, and Oriens Extremus. Simultaneously, as a serious author and practitioner of classical Chinese poetry, he is particularly concerned with the vitality and potential of Chinese poetry as an ever-renewing source sustaining the worldwide foundation of experience and aesthetics.






Translation-as-Composition: The “Song of a Yue” and Its Implications



This lecture will revisit the “Song of a Yue” (“Yueren ge” 越人歌) as a case of literature and cultural history within the multi-layered context of the formation, circulation, and variation of early “Chinese” poetry. The study negotiates an over-simplified assessment of the “Song of a Yue”—a Chu-style Chinese verbalization of a “Yue” song—as the oldest Chinese poetic “translation” of a non-Chinese one. Instead, by integrating previous works of linguistic reconstruction, the lecture will focus on the intra-lingual, intertextual correspondence between the verse and other poetic artifacts in classical Chinese, regarding their metrics, patterns, and ways of utterance, especially concerning the difference between the verse and the reconstructed “Yue” song, as well as the intertextuality between the verse’s ending couplet and other early and medieval Chinese poems. With these, the study considers the “Song of a Yue” as a composite product of trans-lingual and intra-lingual practices, which showcases the process and foundational principles of what I conceptualize as “translation-as-composition.” Additionally, the lecture will also discuss the case’s further implications in the areas of textual composition theory, media-based experience, and the sociology of literature.






4:30 - 6:00 pm

Zoom Consultation

For non-JUPAS Admissions

  • Platform: Zoom

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Language: Cantonese and English 


A great opportunity to meet our admission officer and student ambassadors to discuss different programmes, admission requirements, application processes, etc. 










2:00 - 3:30 pm

Online Consultation |
Senior Year Admissions

  • Platform: Zoom

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Language: Cantonese 


  • Students or graduates from a recognised full-time Associate Degree (AD)/Higher Diploma (HD) programme with a duration of at least two years offered by a post-secondary institution in Hong Kong
  • Sharing from LU Student Ambassadors admitted via Senior Year Admissions
  • Admission requirements, application and selection






6:30 - 8:00 pm

History |
Documentary Film Screening & Discussion |
Mount Davis: From Citadel to Campus  

 [Film Screening & Sharing] 

  • Venue: G22, Patrick Lee Wan Keung Academic Building (MB), Lingnan University

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Languages: Cantonese and English with subtitles (Documentary screening); English (Discussion)

The Department of History at Lingnan University, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Heritage Courtyard and Interpretation Centre, will screen Mount DavisFrom Citadel to Campus, a documentary that chronicles the story of Mount Davis’ historic Jubilee Battery and the auxiliary military building known as the “White House.” During the 1967 riots, the Royal Hong Kong Police Force used the White House as the Victoria Road Detention Centre. In this documentary, detainees from the 1967 riots recount the tumultuous times leading to their imprisonment in the White House. Today, the University of Chicago has transformed the site completely, giving it new life as a centre for education. The documentary presents a compelling account of the rich history of the Mount Davis site as well as its rebirth.
The documentary is presented in Cantonese and English with traditional Chinese and English subtitles. We welcome everyone, particularly university and secondary school students interested in Hong Kong history, to join our event.



Post-Screening Discussion
  • The discussion will be conducted in English.
  • Prof. Ka Yee Lee, Executive Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and the David Lee Shillinglaw Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry, The University of Chicago.
  • Prof. Kenneth Pomeranz, University Professor of Modern Chinese History and the College, The University of Chicago.
  • Prof. Peter Hamilton, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Lingnan University.
  • Prof. Carmen Tsui, Associate Professor, Department of History, Lingnan University.





3:30 – 4:30 pm

Philosophy |
Discovering Philosophy in Chinese  

 [Talk & Sharing]

  • Platform: Zoom

  • Registration: Open | Closed

  • Language: Cantonese

Philosophy_Jan2024Plato and Cao Zhi
Discovering Philosophy in Chinese (26th January 2023)
The study of Chinese in secondary schools covers a wide range of topics: rhetoric, history, literary criticism, and many more. It also covers certain philosophical issues, such as the locus of meaning, the demand of morality, the ideal relationship between individual and society, etc. In this talk, we are going to discuss some of these issues embedded in textbooks and public exams and point our certain formats of philosophical inquiry, namely its focus on reason.
Speaker’s introduction
Dr. Wai Wai Chiu is a specialist in pre-Han philosophy, especially the Mozi and the Zhuangzi. He mainly teaches history of Chinese philosophy courses and a course on the Zhuangzi’s epistemology and ethics. Most of his research works can be found in English journals. Besides academic papers and books he also reads comics, and he sometimes finds that the former is funny and the latter is deep. 



Registration will be closed 3 working days before commencement of activity

Registration may end early upon quota is reached

Confirmation will be sent upon registration is closed. For enquiry, please contact Undergraduate Admissions Office, Lingnan University via email ([email protected])
報名確認將於報名期間結束後發送。 如有查詢,請以電郵([email protected])聯絡嶺南大學教務處